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  1. Jeltja

    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    Gill is one of my favorite writers, and part of the reason I became a Baptist. I wonder if you have read Hoeksema on election and grace?
  2. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    In a sense the Word of God is Jesus Christ and Christ is the gospel, and this is what is divinely preserved for the believer in the Bible, the KJV obsession with specific wording is Bibliolatrous at points. Christ is the Word and the content of the Gospel, the actual printed book is merely a...
  3. Jeltja

    "The Reformation: A History" book

    I looked into it and he's an English (probably Scots-English) Oxford academic, in the Church of England.
  4. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    KarynLouise Yes, I understand what you mean. In my experience most people who are 'religious' in the social sense tend to be conformist more than anything. They are naturally prone to joining churches but I get the feeling they'd as easily fit into a Buddhist mold if they'd been brought up in...
  5. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    Yes, as a postmil Preterist I consider Scofield a disaster zone, 😅 I disagree with the scare mongering about the NASB being especially corrupt, but I so little regard the basis and premises of such claims that I'm not interested in debating it.You're going to have to find someone who takes...
  6. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    The NSSB95 came out the year before I was born, and that's the main translation I use. I also like the New World Translation (despite from some WS oddities), and Richmond Lattimore's New Testament. I have read through parts of the KJV and seen verses from it all over, but not studied with it...
  7. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    This has nothing to do with anything I was talking about so whatever.
  8. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    These people are usually literally crazy and hate Calvinists, so I don't really keep track of them. And the reasons they reject Calvin are not your typical Arminian reasons, either. here's an example: Sword of the Valiant A video claiming Baptists are not Christians He's a non Trinitarian, the...
  9. Jeltja

    Why are Tiny Sectarian Internet Cults Usually KJO?

    I am not criticizing the KJO position here. I do think it's an error but I don't have any special problem with the KJV. If you only want to use the 5e of the KJV that's perfectly fine with me, though I prefer by '95 NASB. What I am curious about is why do many of the weird internet cults I see...
  10. Jeltja

    Every “solution” to the problem of evil is itself evil

    My understanding of it is that there is no problem of evil. Not that evil doesn't exist (well, it doesn't as an object, it's a category of condemnation by God). The purpose of all creation is to demonstrate God's glory. By both the regenerate and the damned God demonstrates his glory and power...
  11. Jeltja

    What Do You Think about Karl Barth?

    I grew up in a traditionally Reformed faith which I still adhere to. My theological grounding (which is not a subject I am expert in, if anyone could be) has mostly been on the side of Gresham Machen, Bavinck, Sproul, Kuyper, Greg Bahnsen, John Gill, Calvin, and Francis Turretin. I agree with...
  12. Jeltja

    The Gun Thread

    It's not a suicide pact. A man is ordained by God to protect his family, as a properly constituted civil magistrate is to his. We shouldn't show malevolence towards other, but there are no 'purely spiritual brothers', except in Heaven. The Earth belongs to God and we are to obey his...
  13. Jeltja

    The Gun Thread

    The ability for a physically weak person to exert lethal force rapidly has saved many lives. Again, technology multiplies effort. I don't want to get into a theological discussion but I believe defense of self and the lives of other people is entirely legitimate, and thus means amplifying it are...
  14. Jeltja

    The Gun Thread

    Most gun crime is committed in areas where guns are heavily restricted, but people who are part of criminal gangs. Technology multiplies effort, the problem is the sinful people not the machinery.
  15. Jeltja

    "The Reformation: A History" book

    The internet has a lot of bored people (often lonely) and some of them look for a dispute to entertain themselves or be involved with something. Really I don't mind if someone agrees or not (though I didn't say anything about what I believe on this topic) but I generally avoid arguing theology...
  16. Jeltja

    Friend of a Friend, Christian Author has Cancer

    A friend of our family for the last decade, a Christian author and economist, is in the hospital with cancer. He is in his seventies, but his family has had a couple of members pass young in the past decade. We're praying for him and his family, everything is in into God's hands.
  17. Jeltja

    "The Reformation: A History" book

    I love to read and right now I am going through The Reformation: A History by Diarmaid MacCulloch. I have listened to Brian Schwertley and R. J. Rushdoony lecture on the Reformation, but this is the first book covering the whole period I've read. The author seems to attempt 'neutrality' in...
  18. Jeltja

    Checking Out the Site

    We have about twenty families in our church, depending on how you count relations, and many of us homeschool so we get a lot of social interaction (although my husband is something of a hermit on his own). I don't think it's necessarily true that kids get socialized in school so much that...
  19. Jeltja

    Checking Out the Site

    My husband could probably do home schooling off the top of his head, he is like a human encyclopedia. It's not so much the content I need but the structure to keep me straight. Glad to hear you've been homeschooling, that's great!
  20. Jeltja

    Checking Out the Site

    I have been looking for Christian social media stuff for a bit. My oldest son will need to learn how to use the internet more thoroughly soon. I am 25 (hopefully put that in correctly) and I've been married for years. We're in a particular Baptist church. I was home schooled and I homeschool...