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  1. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    I strongly suggest that you read Rosenthal's book. You would learn a lot. I'm not going to do your research for you. I've started re-reading the book myself and will continue to do so when I have time. I'll tell you one thing I've already learned. The Rapture will occur right before the opening...
  2. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    First of all, let me correct one statement that I made. It's been almost 2000 years since the Crucifixion, not over 2000 years. No, I see no reason to believe that the 70th week, also known as "the time of Jacob's trouble", has anything to do with Jesus' ministry. I know of no Biblical...
  3. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    Where did you get these ideas? Did you come up with these theories on your own? It's impossible for me to comment on your thoughts point by point because there's no way for me to verify all that I would agree or disagree with. But I can say some things. You wrote, "Daniel 12 speaks of 1290...
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    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    Is anyone here aware of Antiochus IV Epiphanes as a prototype of 666? "Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), the king of Syria, captured Jerusalem in 167 BC and desecrated the Temple by offering the sacrifice of a pig...
  5. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    What is your understanding of "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week" referred to in Daniel 9:27?
  6. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    What is your understanding of "the prince that shall come" referred to in Daniel 9:26? What is your understanding of "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week" referred to in Daniel 9:27?
  7. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    I haven't read Rosenthal's book for a number of years so I'll have to, and want to, read it again. Obviously, I can't summarize the book in a few paragraphs, but I do want to make a few key points now. Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation is key to understanding the reign of the beast, 666. As...
  8. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    I still don't see what you are saying. When, in your opinion, does the Rapture occur?
  9. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    Yes, I did. Would you kindly make your point again?
  10. O

    Anybody believe that Daniel's 70TH week has been fulfilled by Jesus - and then Stephen?

    Has anyone here read "The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church" by Marvin Rosenthal? It is by far the best book on the last days that I have come upon. The seven year period of the end of life on earth as we know it begins when the beast, 666, signs a peace treaty with Israel. The Rapture occurs...