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    andrew wommack

    Good Point. Matthew 7 Do not judge and you will be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned.... People are quick to judge another person, yet are slow to take responsibility for their own person and character.
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    andrew wommack

    Following any man will eventually leading to disappointment. I used to put bible teachers on pedestals for many years on my life. We must learn to put our trust in God. Man is a fallen creature, and will always be on this earth. As you said the Holy Spirit will guide and teach us to the extent...
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    andrew wommack

    May God richly bless you in your journey of knowing and growing in Him.
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    andrew wommack

    Resident Alien. Based on your previous posts. I sense strife, anger and a lack of peace and joy in your life. Getting your mind focused on the Word of God is the remedy. 😊
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    andrew wommack

    I don’t know about Kenneth Copland. I rarely watch him. May you be richly blessed today and walk in joy and peace. As you keep your mind focused on Jesus
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    andrew wommack

    God Bless You.
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    andrew wommack

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    andrew wommack

    Then it won work for you if it’s a lie.
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    andrew wommack

    I am actually a student in the Charis college, it has been a life changing experience for me. If you go to the Healing Journeys testimonies on the website. There are some amazing testimonies. Jeremiah was at the College this week.
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    andrew wommack

    God bless you!
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    andrew wommack

    The baby that was raised from the dead is on recorded Live footage. God still heals today, believe it on not. I was actually healed of Fibromyalgia (this supposed to be incurable says the medical profession) and dropped six prescription drugs I was supposed to be on for life. I also personally...
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    andrew wommack

    More no needs to be said. Expect I was cured of an incurable disease, stopped taking six prescription drugs I was supposed to be on for life. Including 120 pain pills a month, depression meds, steroid creams and more. Not to mention regular peace and joy in my life. Have a great weekend 😀 s
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    andrew wommack

    God bless you and have a great weekend 😊
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    andrew wommack

    I believed him to be a false teacher for 20 years. I was told to stay away from him. But now have first hand experience and a transformed life. Hear say is dangerous. Perhaps you are doing what I did for years. Parroting what some else has taught you. I have also been healed of fibromyalgia...
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    andrew wommack

    all I couldn’t agree with you more. The foundation to all deep rooted change is in our hearts. The Bible has a lot to say about changing our heart and the way we think. Meditating on the Word daily is so important to a changed life. Change never comes from the outside in. Proverbs 4:20 thru...
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    andrew wommack

    Jesus loves you bro. Please don’t contact me again. Pray for me if you are concerned about me. i have a fantastic testimony and a changed life!
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    andrew wommack

    Hi There. I believed he was a false teacher for many years. Because that is what I was taught. I have sense experienced a transformed life through what he teaches. Most important he has taught how to read the Bible, pray and worship God. I have experienced a transformed life. May God richly...
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    andrew wommack

    Yes, I have heard of Andrew Wommack. Im actually a student at his bible college. This is a fantastic place to develop a balance between grace and faith based on what the Bible says about both. I was told For many years to stay away from him. Because he is dangerous and a false teacher. All that...
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    How do I find a woman with no arms or legs?

    A very entertaining question.🤣 Although if such a woman exists, that would place a tremendous burden on you. You would have to wait on her hand and foot. Would be a full time job to take care of her. I’m not sure if that’s what you had in mind. God has given all of us something called free...
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    Growing in Christ

    Three things that have transformed my spiritual life in the last four years would be the following. Time set aside for the following each morning. 1. Worship with music 2. Meditating on the Word/Promises of God (out loud) 3. Prayer time talking to God and being thankful and great full for all...