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  1. C

    Just for laughs

    Good 1!! Okay, so why do they burry attorneys 100 ft under the ground when they die? Cause deep down,... they're really good guys. Blessings
  2. C

    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    Hey Bob, God bless you buddy! No door knob here, though my first AA sponsor did tell me to start with "higher power" till I cleared up! That was many years ago, therefore blessings abound!!! Salvation Army! Go Bob! Great stuff! God led me to AA and AA led me to God. Saved by the blood of Jesus...
  3. C

    "And God said, Let us make man..."

    "And God said, Let us make man in our image,..." God bless you in advance. I'm new to this chat thing but thank you for the opportunity. If one believes there is such a thing as evolution, well you're probably not saved. There's a fella named Kent Hovid(sp?), a scientist that perhaps can clear...