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  1. N

    Yes GOD is a vending machine.

    I used to do a talk, not a sermon, but a talk where I explained what the phrase "milk and honey" meant to me. I'm not saying this is the actual meaning, but just that it really carries me at times. I equate milk with life and honey with happiness. Milk is what sustains us when we are little...
  2. N

    Did Jesus Forgive Us All Our Sins; Past/Present/Future

    I counted it once, no real reason, I was just curious. I think it was almost two to one where Jesus talked about doing and less about not doing. And I'm not saying to ignore the parts where he says to not do something but I do find it interesting where his emphasis was. I guess the way I look...
  3. N

    Did Jesus Forgive Us All Our Sins; Past/Present/Future

    Something that I find interesting, and it may just be me, is that Jesus spoke way more about "doing" things than he did about "not doing" things. He is less concerned with "did we follow a rule" than he is about what's in our heart. He wants us to be actively doing things for him and bring his...
  4. N

    Uvalde Texas school shooting was it real or fake

    Again, the Uvalde attack was 100% real. I've been there and I know this is true. Also, one of the issues that isn't reported often is that the schools had to repeatedly go on lockdown due to Border Patrol chasing runaway illegal immigrants. Whenever this happened near the school, the schools...
  5. N

    Why do Christians tell you you shouldn't ask GOD for material things?

    This is a topic that needs to be handled so delicately. It is too easy to fall into the realm of, "if you were just more faithful, God would reward you more." I definitely would not question the OPs faith, not saying that anyone is, and I definitely understand the frustration he is feeling...
  6. N

    Trinity or Unity

    I'm going to start using that explanation when I'm asked about this. Just think of it as God working in 3 different ways. It's not that the three are different individuals, rather they have three different purposes.
  7. N

    Trinity or Unity

    When I try to understand the Trinity I get a headache. It's really hard to understand. So, rather than try to understand it, I just remind myself that I've got Jesus. My headache usually goes away. (y)
  8. N

    Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

    One of the thing that always made me think it wasn't Paul was when the author says that salvation was announced by the Lord and confirmed by those who heard him. That doesn't sound like Paul because he always seemed to emphasize that Jesus spoke to him personally so it seems odd to hear him...
  9. N

    Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

    There have been a few who think that Hebrews could be written by Barnabas. I lean that way for no reason other than the fact that I really like Barnabas.
  10. N

    How Can we Presume Ourselves to be Christian?

    I agree that we're not required to read the Bible or grow in knowledge to be a Christian but I believe that you will want to read the Bible and grow in knowledge once you're a Christian. And that parallels a lot of what Jesus was about, not doing something because it is required, doing it...
  11. N

    How Can we Presume Ourselves to be Christian?

    I'm a pretty simple guy so I look for the simplest answers. All I focus on is that I know Jesus died for me, he took the punishment for my sin, and I am forgiven. Now I just try to live how he would want: loving God and loving others. I know there's so much more that can be discussed and...
  12. N

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    Question: How could a God that is not willing for any to perish, a God that wants everyone to come to repentance, be the same God that predetermined that some would repent and others would not? If we can't make our own choices, if God has already made our choices, then he has decided some will...
  13. N

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    I think Job is a very unique character. There is no way I could ever think of comparing my faith to his. When he speaks of God controlling him, I don't think God is literally controlling him. I think he is so devout, so committed to following the wishes of God that it appears to be the same...
  14. N

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    Of course discussions are great. But, like I find on almost all internet discussion forums, discussions get kind of ugly. People become disrespectful, sometimes shutting out ideas that they disagree with. Maybe that's just the nature of being anonymous on the internet. I'll post my stance on...
  15. N

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    Honestly, I don't feel that this has been the best example of how Christians should handle disagreements. I definitely have my opinion on this topic but I would in way feel comfortable sharing it in this thread. And that makes me sad. I remember in one of my classes where the professor was...
  16. N

    Uvalde Texas school shooting was it real or fake

    I know I'm pretty late on this but the Uvalde shooting was definitely real. I live just a couple of hours from Uvalde, and I have family that live there. In fact, my grand-niece goes to that elementary school and another cousin was killed in the attack. So, without a doubt, the Uvalde story is
  17. N

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    My first post on this site. I was thinking about my college days and the idea of Calvinism popped into my head. So, I started looking online and I found this site. I look around and found this discussion. And this discussion makes me sad. That is all.