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  1. R

    How far can a Christian go with sanctification?

    Greetings everyone, Thanks for the responses! Detesting sin. The more I learn of what of sinful, and why, the less I want to have anything to do with it whatsoever - not just in action, but in thought too. Paul. :)
  2. R

    How far can a Christian go with sanctification?

    Greetings, How far can a Christian go with sanctification in this lifetime? Is there a limit or upper ceiling as to how holy a person can become? Are there any good writers, or Bible verses, on this topic? Many thanks, Paul.
  3. R

    Balancing free will with spreading the Gospel

    Greetings, By this I meant that God never forced anyone to have a relationship with him. If people are prideful or worship idols, God won't stop them, but he won't want a relationship with them. Likewise, Jesus made known the way to the Father but never forced anyone to follow it. Further, the...
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    Balancing free will with spreading the Gospel

    Greetings MsMediator, Thanks for your response. Not yet, because I'm quite new to Christianity, hence the questions... but I would like to be clear on how to reconcile these matters first so I can have the confidence I'd be doing more good than harm. That's my sense too. I also know there's a...
  5. R

    Non denominational Christianity books??

    Greetings, I'm currently reading Derek Prince's 7 part Foundation Series (which has been packaged under very similar titles over the years, as one book, as three, or as seven books). It's non-denominational and really good. "52 consecutive messages in 7 books systematically unfolding the great...
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    Balancing free will with spreading the Gospel

    Greetings brothers and sisters, I wanted to ask about people's experience in balancing the imperative to spread the gospel with the respect for people's free will and spiritual autonomy afforded by God. God never forced or compelled anyone to follow him, even as the nation of Israel...
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    Introversion vs Verbalizing praise

    Greetings, Thank you everyone for the helpful responses. 🙏 Paul.
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    Introversion vs Verbalizing praise

    Greetings, I'm strong introverted and unaccustomed to outwardly verbalizing prayer and praise. I tend to feel the Lord's presence in very peaceful, tranquil, blissful and dare I say autistic ways... not in a loud, bold, invigorating chorus of hallelujahs, appellations and exaltations. Is there...
  9. R

    Greetings all

    Greetings, I thought I should do a little intro, especially if it helps anyone gives me some pro-tips on how to get the most from this forum. Last year, I'd been Buddhist for the past 18 years, but was interested in exploring the Bible because one of my sons had started at a Christian school...