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  1. GrandmaCathy

    Trial by Grace

    I am remorseful and know I am forgiven for something I have done and can't take back. Jesus Christ suffered and bled for this sin too. I ignored the "ways of escape" I could have taken. Don't let this happen to you. I am forever changed. I am closer in my walk with Jesus Christ every day. His...
  2. GrandmaCathy

    Can i find a partner frfr on here ?

    Pray for your partner in faith, believing God will grant your request. I always imagined God was "working on that person" whom I was waiting for. Really, maybe he was working on me. It's in the "WORKS". Keep praying. Pray that God will make you into the man you must become so you can be ready to...
  3. GrandmaCathy

    Can i find a partner frfr on here ?

    I met my first husband through a bar...I was 18...I wanted to be a wife to the first person who asked me and a mother. I never dated before...he was the first to ask. I thought a college man would be responsible. I thought many things about what I thought he must be like. I thought...
  4. GrandmaCathy

    In Christ

    If Jesus were the son of Adam I think his death would be meaningless. He was without sin, therefore proof he was and is the Son of God. (I'm just stopping by this thread quickly so didn't read you entire post. I may be repeating something you already addressed here.) Got to run!
  5. GrandmaCathy

    I stumbled upon this website.

    I enjoy having conversations with others who are Christians in the truest sense of the word. Those who believe we are saved by grace through Jesus Christ because of his blood shed at Calvary. I came to "true" repentance when I was fifteen, and baptized again (years after my infant baptism) in a...
  6. GrandmaCathy

    The Underground Church

    These Bible verses made me weep. Thank you for sharing. I will try hard to memorize these. (Hebrews 12:1-4)
  7. GrandmaCathy

    The Underground Church

    I just finished reading a small book called "Torchured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand. I don't know how I got the book but it was in my possession for years. I was afraid to open it. The copyright is from 1990. He (the author) was imprisoned for fourteen years suffering torture in a Communist...