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  1. E

    Jesus is God.

    Un Jam ndjekesi i Krishtit. Zoti NUK formovi donje fe. E lexon Fjalen e Zotit?
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    Jesus is God.

    Ti cfare beson?
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    Jesus is God.

    Po Ska rendesi.
  4. E

    Jesus is God.

    Gezohem Zoti te bekoje. Zoti eshte dashuri,kjo eshte e vertete. Jezusin tha ai qe me do urdhrimet e Mia mban. Sepse ne emer te dashuris bejne shume gjera qe NUK kan lidhje me Fjalen e Zotit.
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    Jesus is God.

    Sic Sic duket i njeh gjerat mire ketu duhet te jesh e vjeter ketu. Po ne Shqiperi Jam lindur...pse mos dukem se kam lindur jashte?
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    Jesus is God.

    Shume bukur Cfare lloje faqe eshte kjo?
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    Jesus is God.

    Un Jam nga korca. Po eshte e vertete qe jemi Pak ata qe besojne tek Jezusi.
  8. E

    Jesus is God.

    Lavdi Zotit flas mire gjuhen Shqipe. Po patjeter mundemi te lozim. Nuk e flet mire gjuhen Shqipe?
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    Jesus is God.

    Thanks,God Bless you.
  10. E

    Jesus is God.

    Faleminderit shume,Zoti te bekoje. Ju jeni Shqiptare ?
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    Jesus is God.

    The Grace of Jesus Christ with us. Our Guide is His Word,The Bible.