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  1. I

    Who I am

    Exactly right in your distinction, far too often (and particularly indeed in trinitarian and christological discussions) can our conduct devolve into a variant of proud hated.
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    The sabbath as defined in the old testament is no longer binding, as others have scripturally proven. However, there is a new sabbath in Christ which still ought to be honored, and that is the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. The apostolic faiths (Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox...
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    Can I Be a Christian if I Occasionally Smoke Cigarettes

    There is no specific doctrine of the church or scripture which forbids this, but you must be lead by your own conscience. If your conviction tells you that it is an activity which removes you from the fullness of grace and the formation of a holy character, then it probably is not the right...
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    Who I am

    Thank you! I look forward to contributing very much : D
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    Who I am

    Thank you for the welcome, It is great to be back! To be honest I had guessed that the forum would have an evangelical bent to it, but when you are raised in the Church of England you get very used to that sort of dialogue because it is such a broadchurch, and conversation between the High...
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    Who I am

    Consider this my formal introduction to CC, Hello! It is nice to meet you, Usually I would lead with my name, but for internet privacy reasons I don't tend to share that. My username on this site is a mixture of the names of my two patron saints, Ivo of Kermartin and Thomas More, Both are...
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    Why do christian women want only tall guys?

    These generalizations are never helpful. Women of any class are diverse in their tastes and Christian women are no exception. Of course there are many, perhaps even most, that prefer men who are of above average height. There are also plenty who are do not prefer this, or are indifferent Most...