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  1. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    So true. I was simply making a point that every Commandment is important or God wouldn't have written it in stone. One Commandment is as important as the other 9. Also, Worshiping God daily is a Christians duty. Following His Commandments is also every Christians duty. Any yet, so many people do...
  2. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Thank you, Magenta. Immature, insulting people cause harm to every church and it's members by the fact that many people observing their childish, humiliating remarks blame the church itself for condoning such condescending ways. These immature people can not even discern the difference of a...
  3. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    God Bless You! You are a wise and intelligent Christian. I was not replying to you, Sir. I am sorry for the confusion. I saw your post as relevant and respectful. It was the "Woo-hoo look at me I'm a Sabbath keeper" comment that I found immature and disrespectful. Enough so, that I may exit...
  4. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Let me correct this. I meant to use the word Jews, not Jesus. I know Messianic Jews who follow their perceived Laws to the tee. I personally don't care what Commandment people choose not to follow because I do not judge anyone for the err of their ways. Nor, do I continue conversing with those...
  5. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Saying, "Good for you" is mean spirited any way you look at it.
  6. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Just like Jesus healed on the Sabbath, spreading the Gospel Truth on the Sabbath surely is allowed. Jesus wouldn't even light a candle on the Sabbath. Jesus let us know by His actions that the Sabbath is not a day for God to punish, but to keep Him in reverence. On a lighter note, here is my...
  7. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Being cynical is a sign of weakness. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God;' as if God had said, The Sabbath-day is my due, I challenge a special right in it, and no other has any claim to it. He who robs me of this day, and puts it to common uses, is a sacrilegious person, he...
  8. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    I was raised in a nondenominational church. The 4th Commandment was never mentioned, taught nor discussed, not even once. So, it not what I was taught that mattered so much as what I was not taught. One thing will remain forever true, I will never knowingly nor intentionally violate any of...
  9. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." Jesus made it clear the He did not come to destroy the Law (10 Commandments) but to fulfill. The Law given to Moses by God is unchanged by Jesus' time on earth. It is true...
  10. J

    Catholic 10 Commandments... Compare to Biblical 10 Commandments

    Some of my dearest friends are LGBQ, no T. since I was a child. I'm far from homophobic, but my gay and lesbian friends are not churchgoers. I love then just the same as I would a brother or sister. For 50 years, we've never discussed our preferences. We're just old childhood friends, period.
  11. J

    Catholic 10 Commandments... Compare to Biblical 10 Commandments

    Thank you for that. I haven't delved much into Catholicism, but their 7 commandments are par for the course. What I have heard recently is that the pope is pushing nations to enact a mandatory Sunday Law day of rest for everyone. The pope wants to shut commerce down one day per week to fight...
  12. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    The term Lord's day is used only once in Scripture. Revelation 1:10 says, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet." The Bible recognizes that the seventh day, the Sabbath, is the Lord's special day. From the very beginning of time, God blessed...
  13. J

    Catholic 10 Commandments... Compare to Biblical 10 Commandments

    I do consider Catholic members Christians. In the beginning of the Roman Catholic church that was founded somewhere between 300 to 600 AD (debatable), members were forced to follow Catholic doctrine and the Holy Bible was not printed yet. When technology made mass printing available in various...
  14. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    There is nothing in Scripture that states that Sunday is the Sabbath. Christ was resurrected on Sunday. That does not make Sunday the Sabbath.
  15. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    Seventh Day Adventists are not the only denomination that worships on Saturday. Here is a complete list of Sabbath keeping denominations. Sabbatarian Baptists Seventh Day Baptists Sabbatarian Adventists Adventist Church of Promise Churches of God (Seventh-Day) Creation Seventh Day Adventist...
  16. J

    Catholic 10 Commandments... Compare to Biblical 10 Commandments

    Here is the online link.
  17. J

    The Biblical Sabbath Day

    The Biblical 4th Commandment : "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Exodus 20:8) Note: This is a Commandment and not a suggestion by God. The Biblical Sabbath day is Saturday, the seventh day of the week, although now it is predominantly practiced on Sunday. The early churches kept...
  18. J


    Jesus freed people (mainly Gentiles) from the Jewish law of not eating forbidden foods in Matthew 15:11 - "It's not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
  19. J

    Catholic 10 Commandments... Compare to Biblical 10 Commandments

    I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false...
  20. J

    Finding a Church/Denomination

    I have found over the years that some churches teach The Word better than other churches. Studying the history of Christian churches breaking away from Roman Catholicism was enlightening for me. Early Christians paid the ultimate price with their lives for reading the Holy Bible and forming a...