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  1. G

    Combat , the spirit v the flesh

    How can a person know what Jesus actually said? How can they understand his actual meaning? God decides!
  2. G

    Combat , the spirit v the flesh

    Okay so Jesus is the final teacher! Then God gives his spirit to give understanding of what? Of the teachings of Jesus. So we are never free of an authoritative teacher, one sent by God. Jesus was the one to obey without question. Are there many Jesus’s, no! But are there many interpretations of...
  3. G

    Hi from Graham knower of stuff

    It matters more why the supreme being, powerful son of the Almighty creator was crucified, for they (Father and son) together decided it was of utmost importance that he, the son surrender to the terrible foolish ignorant human mind… It was to prove to humans how utterly foolish they are...
  4. G

    Combat , the spirit v the flesh

    God sent prophets, teachers, preachers, messengers and gave them AUTHORITY (independent specialised understanding) and everyone else was either saved or lost according to whether they submitted (OBEYED without question) those messengers! You think any person can pick up the Bible and understand...
  5. G

    Combat , the spirit v the flesh

    Quoting verses… nice! Wish you understood them… explained their meaning too.
  6. G

    Hi everyone

    What’s a newcomer? You mean to this chat group. I have followed Jesus for longer. I am not speaking to make conflict. We are not both right! When you encountered Jesus’ teachings, sure you were disobedient. Then you listened, UNDERSTOOD (because God chose you). After that you learned and put...
  7. G

    Combat , the spirit v the flesh

    The spirit comes down from the Father... a separate powerful force, mysterious. Your flesh, my flesh, is what it is. These are two completely different things: me/you AND God's gifted spirit for humans. There's HUMAN and there's HUMAN + God's Spirit.
  8. G

    Hi everyone

    How do you as a 'believer in Jesus' not understand this basic stuff????????? Not self-righteousness, but the righteousness that comes from God! You need it to enter Heaven. Obedience to Jesus' teachings is not-negotiable!
  9. G

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    Its in the Bible, but only some people (very rare few) understand his teachings. But one day all will know this anyway!
  10. G

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    No problem... the parameters of this chat site don't incorporate followers of Jesus.
  11. G

    Hi everyone

    You want to quote the Bible... but you won't accept what's written there anyway! There's lots of verses saying only the righteous will enter heaven.
  12. G

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    I have a profile? Nice... but no seriously... not a non-christian, neither a christian. I follow Jesus Christ.
  13. G

    Paul said, why judge those outside the church!

    You have so many opinions about the world, news, what is happening. No problem... its just coz you don't know Jesus... his teachings... the words from God. This world is a dead thing!
  14. G

    Hi everyone

    Sinners don't enter Heaven. Only those who are holy! just saying.
  15. G

    Morman missionaries

    No point talking... they have made up their minds... you can't change them.
  16. G

    The Gospel Is The Kingdom Of God

    Jesus was the ONE. Not you. You dont understand... except he CHOOSES you!
  17. G

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    You are the elect? Only those who OBEY Jesus... First Understanding his teachings. Christianity does not.
  18. G

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Just a poem... humans made it famous
  19. G

    Murderers in the Church.

    The church is merely a place... like Israel... the people who OBEY Jesus are a tiny few... why try to change Israel... Jesus never did.
  20. G

    I know i already posted this in the teens forum but I might need some advice on my feelings

    What you need is the spirit from God. Its not for everyone. It SUPERCEDES your feelings. Makes you happy, about things other than before.