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  1. S


    That was beautiful Drop ship Than you ;-) God Bless
  2. S


    Hi ikecantle Well I am glad I am not the only one that is lost lol I will say one Most positive remark. since I have joined which was yesterday... I have recieved so many welcomes.. that it blowing my mind. Everyone is so sweet and thoughtful. I cant help but evn have tears in y...
  3. S


    Thank You BeeBlessed :-) If I can ever figure out how to use this program. I have no clue as to what I am doing. lol
  4. S


    Thank You Selahsays Blessings in abundance back to you :-)
  5. S


    Wow ! Such a warm welcome...... Thanking Each of you that sent the welcome message to me.... MAY THE GOOD LORD KEEP YOU AND YOU LOVED OENS SAFE , AND CLOSE IN HIS ARMS
  6. S


    Thank You. and God Bless
  7. S


    Good Afternoon Everyone. Please bare with me as learn this sight. I have just now joined.