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  1. Duck

    Jesus came to call sinners to repentance

    Do an about face. Turn away. Go the other direction. Fall on your knees and confess your need for Christ in your life.
  2. Duck

    What does Jesus look like according to the Bible?

    Revelation 1:14 - His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; Notice it says His head and His hair. So Jesus's head was white, and His hair was white also.
  3. Duck

    Did Adam and Eve have glorified bodies?

    They had super pure bodies and DNA. Adam lived 930 yrs. without the tree of life. Even his kin, like Methuselah live 969 yrs. ; and Noah lived 950 yrs.
  4. Duck

    Heaven? Not Interested.

    The OP didn't want the presence of God or the treasures of a Holy God.
  5. Duck

    A question about Ephesians 6:12

    Your TV cable stations are of this world. Spiritual wickedness is in all Gov'ts in the world. Christians are in a constant battle with this world. Its easier just to drink and overeat with unsaved people of the world and get along. But we need to separate from them, because we are not of this...
  6. Duck

    Heaven? Not Interested.

    None of that is in Hell either. Just fire, torment, a worm that doesn't die, and nothing to drink or eat.
  7. Duck

    Heaven? Not Interested.

    I say, its better in heaven than to deal with the Devil who will take you to the lake of fire. 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Ephesians 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but...
  8. Duck

    Who are the monetarily rich among us?

    I answered the OP. You are saying weird things. Did expect me to do a dissertation on the woes of the world. I made a statement plain and simple, but apparently you read all about yourself instead.
  9. Duck

    Who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Again, in prayer, Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead; and you will be saved. again, pray, without pride, without will. and ask Jesus into your heart. Get on your knees and pray with earnest. stop, drop, and roll does not work in Hell.
  10. Duck

    Who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Romans 10:9 - Confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and in your heart, believe God raised Jesus from the dead, and you shall be saved. Get rid of all pride, and your will and give it all to Jesus. Trust in Jesus with all your heart, like its the only thing left on the earth and be ready to...
  11. Duck

    Marriage...expensive or just the wedding?

    Weddings can be cheap now days. Get a friend to by a wedding license online and officiate, then eat hot dogs.
  12. Duck

    Who are the monetarily rich among us?

    If you have a roof over your head, running water, and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner; you are richer than 75% of the world.
  13. Duck

    For the Christian, when does God forgive sins?

    My study on Confession. The Greek interpretation is "Say what God says". That is, to agree that God's word says its a sin and acknowledge agreement with God that you sinned. Its your heart after that. You cannot agree its a sin and not be sorry. So confess righteously and honestly.
  14. Duck

    The assembling to meet the Lord

    It will be very soon. But, expect the unexpected. Like when Jesus came the first time, it was not what the Jewish leaders of that day expected. Now when we look forward to Jesus's soon arrival. It might not be the way we expect.
  15. Duck

    Some Truths Are Uncomfortable

    I'm old enough to remember evangelists coming to church's. I mean fire and brimstone, preaching Hell and damnation to those who don't accept Christ as Savior. They were in church's' all the years up to till after 9/11/2001. Something happened. Mind you I was with the Billy Graham assc. in the...
  16. Duck

    The Antichrist will be a Muslim!!!

    I'm still here, Singing Praises to the Lord. Halleluiah, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
  17. Duck

    The Antichrist will be a Muslim!!!

    Probably, but with a little different spelling. Born Again Christians wont' be here anyway.
  18. Duck

    The Antichrist will be a Muslim!!!

    What's false?