Search results

  1. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Mingle for All #8 -- Are You an Early Bird, a Night Owl, or Permanently Exhausted Pigeon?

    My natural rhythm has always been more of a night-owl. If I don't have morning responsibilities I seldom make it to bed before 2 am. But I work a traditional day shift (8 am to 5pm) and I usually try to force myself to lay down somewhere between 9 and 11. I also take night meds which play a...
  2. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Random game.

  3. GraceTrumpsKarma

    All Welcome Mingle #9: Pumpkin Spices and Autumn Vices.

    Fall is one of my favorite seasons, I spent most of my 20's and 30's living in Arizona and now that I am back in Michigan I really appreciate the changing of seasons. Seeing the leaves turn colors, the crisp chill in the air that is enjoyable, enjoying campfires and cookouts, getting back into...
  4. GraceTrumpsKarma

    CC Roll Call

    I'm here, late as usual 😆
  5. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Just Another Prodigal...

    I keep seeing negative references to the BDF lol, I'll probably steer clear - at least for now...
  6. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Just Another Prodigal...

    Hello Everyone, I'm Phil, currently reside in Michigan (until I get tired of winters and beat feet back to warmer climates). I was looking for some positive Christian web hangouts and came across CC. I am not a new believer, a wee bit past the milk stage but still get choked on the meat...
  7. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Dating as a Christian

    I can relate - I recently got out of a short relationship with a woman who was a new believer and while in the beginning my intentions where to remain sexually pure in the relationship, things took another turn. I don't blame this on her at all - I choose to engage in the behavior. But it helped...
  8. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Equally yoked

    Recently I was dating a woman who I met at a Christian function who was a new Christian. I am a bit more mature in my faith and as time went on it became apparent that she was just not quite on the same path that I was on. I thought in the beginning that I could come alongside her and help her...
  9. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Christian Young Adults

    The Big Book of "Alcoholics Anonymous" helped lead me out of spiritual blindness and into a space where I was willing to trust God again. It was like spiritual kindergarten that eventually led me back to Christ.
  10. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    Thank You! I am starting to find my way around a bit 😊
  11. GraceTrumpsKarma

    Give me bad advice...

    The hotter the temperature gauge is in your car, the faster your car will go 😊