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    "Time for Reconciliation" (Jacob and Esau) for all of us too! (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    myself, personally = = = = I do fully understand and as myself - accepting the original Hebrew manuscripts - I do not feel this for you but in expectation I realize this is a natural aspect once the Trinitarian firstly understands the original...
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    "Time for Reconciliation" (Jacob and Esau) for all of us too! (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    I do understand that every male / man with a prostrate and fully functioning male organ whom will take the time to fully read my comment when and if they will read the loving plan of God as a father - fully, they then will begin to softly feel...
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    "Time for Reconciliation" (Jacob and Esau) for all of us too! (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    . SEED MATTERS TO GOD Esau was a man who was a VICTIM and FATALITY of an all knowing God who revealed to his own mother Rebeca - that Esau was a man who God himself, eventually, would come to hate with such a deep hatred and overwhelming disdain and enmity and Esau was an...
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    Is Baptism in water a work or a command? Is it necessary for salvation?

    for many people who who eventually at some points in time cannot afford an elaborate water tank for baptism - with beautiful decorations and fine wood overlay with the doves and water images what are these Christians to do ? I believe that even though a Christian would not be able to find...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    sorry , i did not mean to be so harsh in my last post, I do love other Christians so very much - but I just don't understand how atonement applies to many of the conversation and I am sure that it is very on topic i am not saying that, I just don't fully comprehend the expansion that is...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    then why attempt to lay claim thus - """ your Roman Catholic Trinitarian Jesus "" was given authority and also lay claim to the Trinitarian Demand that Trinitarian Jesus already existed CO Eternal - and CO Equal with this authority ?? are you...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    the Atonement accomplished a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that is able to save us from sin and eternal separation and give eternal life also the Atonement is applied in the life of those who receive the Spirit, Holy of God, providing strength and power for one to live a Godly...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    what is the topic for the discussion ? I presented a statement regarding little newborn babies and the Original Sin as upheld by the Roman Catholic Faith System I've received no reply about what Protestants have lately decided upon this Catholic teaching please, if you would like to receive...
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    GOD caused the famine in Egypt and how Joseph ruled.

    the Egyptians historically do not even have a record of anyone called Hebrews or Jews existing anywhere at any time anywhere on the planet. The Canaanite, Persian, Arabian / Muslim world of all of { all } previous history and even today, does not even recognize Israel on the map. The...
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    I am a Christian who does not accept or follow Christianity.

    please pray for me because i certainly need it, especially here lately
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    I am a Christian who does not accept or follow Christianity.

    the Book of Hebrews Chapter 1: explains from the Manuscripts. :1 Many ways, also various ways, long ago the God spoke to their fathers :2 IN THEIR PROPHETS UNTO THESE LAST OF DAYS, OF THESE, HE SPOKE TO THEM IN HIS SON UPON WHOM IS GIVEN HEIR, OF WHOM ALSO THIS IS FOREVER DONE...
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    "From the River to the Sea"

    This is the example of what the terrorism attacking innocent Israeli civilians - this is an example for - 1968 to 1989 - Jul 22, 1968 - Rome, Italy Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacks, diverting an El Al flight to Algiers. 32 Jewish passengers were held hostage for 5 weeks...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    thank you brightfame52 for the reply I really loved what you said about the sin of Adam who was created in the image of God and how that God does not tempt us, I found your reply very inspiring and encouraging. I see the other comments you have made and I am curious as to what this...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    I just was thinking about Adam's curse of death, was a curse that he would die by natural causes - within his BODY not a death that was caused by SPIRITUAL CAUSES - The curse of his sin caused a breakdown his body the immunity, DNA of his body - Genetic...
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    Were Adam and Eve the first two people created in the beginning of time?

    yet we see verse - - :13 FROM HENCEFORTH EXPECTING UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE HIS FOOTSTOOL. and Mar 12:36 Sit ON my right hand, UNTIL I make thy enemies thy footstool. Luk 20:42 Sit thou ON my right hand, - UNTIL I make thine enemies thy footstool. Act 2:34...
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    Were Adam and Eve the first two people created in the beginning of time?

    Hey there, Dino246 I thank you for taking time to reply to my post about the trinity and the idea of Jesus existing as, Co – Eternal in perspective to Adam and Eve being the very first humans created. My question I was asking was mostly subject on the “ PRE EXISTENCE ”...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    Yes, completely, and you explained this so perfectly and I did understand exactly what the " brightfame52 " had written and I fully agree. so true, those whom Jesus Christ died for are " themselves " they, are the very Vessels of Mercy, God is giving them Mercy in their...
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    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    I am hesitant to say that babies are sinners, or a baby commits sin or that a baby is even guilty of sin, I do not believe that atonement could apply to a baby. - as a baby being baptized. I believe that a baby can be dedicated through prayer and prayer can be prayed that the baby...
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    Were Adam and Eve the first two people created in the beginning of time?

    got it backwards the Hebrew word for daughter / singular is - בת - daughter the Hebrew word for daughters / plural is - ובנות׃ = described as - " and also plural daughters " sorry