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  1. C

    I hope everyone is doing good today

    I hope everyone is having a Good day and God loves you and Jesus Loves you even if sometimes you doubt that or the devil puts doubts in your head
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    Dystopia 2025

    How Project 2025 is related to the One world Goverment Disclaimer: Im not into politics im not a democrate and im not a republican
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    Pray for healing for me

    My Health is still not good i have no idea whats Happening I just feel so sick and im aching and cramping everywhere i ask for prayer cause this is giving me Anxiety [I have severe Anxiety]
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    please pray for me

    Please pray for me my nausea Hasnt went away and i been getting pains in various places around my body...i have no idea whats happening
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    Prayer for the Lights to come back on

    Me and My family lost power Unfortunately [Which means our heaters ,Microwave ,Stove etc dont work] and a few of us have medical problems ,Our water doesnt work so we cant use the sinks [Dont know if our showers work have to check] [Unfortunately majority of food we have we can't cook] [So im...
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    "Who is the Antichrist Aka the beast of Revelations?"

    Exodus 20:8 - 20:11 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:” “But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle...
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    I Dream of a place where there is no pain

    I made this to encourage anyone cause we all go through pain at some point in life and i hope this post made sense Anyone who has lost someone ,Dealt with Abuse of any kind ,Bullying ,Anxiety ,Ptsd ,Depression ,Harassment or Pain of Any kind and has to live with that?" Have you ever dreamed of...
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    Hello im new here i hope to get along with fellow christians and Grow my faith in Christ