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  1. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    the genealogical records were destroyed in the northern kingdom which became samaria leaving any of the remaining children of israel remaining unable to prove their descent which is why they were not permitted to worship in jeruselem and judeans had not associated with samaritans because many of...
  2. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    i’ve answered this question and posted on it in detail, you need to study history snd the migration of the ancient israelites or you can identify to whom the the apostles were writing to, better yet search for a map of the churches that the apostles had established prior to AD 70, or ask...
  3. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    its truly sad that you can’t see that the jews are not of the 12 tribes and no matter how much scriptural evidence your given, you refuse to reconsider. it’s going to be a terrifying day for all these “christians” calling the children of the wicked one, the chosen of God. how will you explain...
  4. MikeIsraelite72

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    i agree with your post👍🏻 the only point i was trying to make is regarding ALL the children of Esau, of which Judas was, an edomite. … Jesus called many sinners to repentence yet he did not call them “devils” he called Judas a devil because the edomite is to be destroyed, Jesus said of them “you...
  5. MikeIsraelite72

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    “The LORD has made everything for His purpose— even the wicked for the day of destruction” Proverbs 16:4 “You who have forsaken Me,” declares the Lord,You keep going backward. So I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am tired of relenting! Jerrmiah 15:6 “The statutes of...
  6. MikeIsraelite72

    The Great Blessing Of Election Unto Salvation

    greetings brother 🙏 you have a great outlook and its inspiring to see humility in the body of Christ. May God grant you wisdom and enlighten the eyes of your understanding ⚔️✨🛡
  7. MikeIsraelite72

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    how do you interpret the war in heaven? when did that take place?
  8. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    my brethren, please do your historical research concerning the jews over the last 2000 years and stop reading the scripture out of context, i don’t say this out of pride or arrogance, i say it because i want you to be fulfilled, read the scripture cover to cover and then read it again, stop...
  9. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    my reference to muslims acknowledging Jesus was obviously a joke in comparison to the jews😕
  10. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    this is incorrect… israel today has been blinded as to who they are, Paul took the gospel to the dispersed israelites who were divorced by God and scattered among the nations. id said this multiple times already but Jesus told his disciples that the gospsl of the kingdom would be preached...
  11. MikeIsraelite72

    The Great Blessing Of Election Unto Salvation

    can you elaborate on this?
  12. MikeIsraelite72

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    he was an edomite, created to be destroyed all to the glory of the Father
  13. MikeIsraelite72

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    what are you talking about? Jesus is referring to his disciples as a whole, should he have pulled judas aside everytime he wanted to address the group? he called him “ a devil” just like he was from the start.
  14. MikeIsraelite72

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    are facts racist? how you figure calvinism? i had to reread what i posted cuz i am taken back by your comment i tried to add something edifying that these 501c churches aren’t teaching and i run into a comment like yours maybe you can put “the truth” in a pillowcase and slam it against the...
  15. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    i’m new to these boards, often i don’t jump in on a topic because there is some kind of argument or personal attacks going on it’s ashame how badly christians treat each other, we attack each other more often than those in the world, what’s crazy is we attack each other over doctrines that...
  16. MikeIsraelite72

    The Great Blessing Of Election Unto Salvation

    as per predestination and election, i believe that God is the potter … “Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker—one clay pot among many. Does the clay ask the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘He has no hands’? Isaiah 45:9 “But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will...
  17. MikeIsraelite72

    The Great Blessing Of Election Unto Salvation

    i have been skeptical of this since i was a child, i used to speak in tongues before i understood scripture a little better, one thing i noticed when speaking in tongues is how i could easily slip into a trance like state which as i got older started to feel more like witchcraft, vain babbling...
  18. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    obviously i was pointing out the muslim recognition of Jesus in contrast to a people who have a generational hatred for jesus. i trust what the scripture tells us, i believe that Israel will exist in the holy land once again when Jesus Christ cleanses it with fire to rid it of Edom, the next...
  19. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    these are the Tares, the children of Esau, they serve their father the devil… all we can do is expose them for the devils they are, Jesus told them “you do not hear my words because you are NOT MY SHEEP!” and by Jesus wording it in this way we can see why these people are the only people on...
  20. MikeIsraelite72

    The hatred of Jews

    great post👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 “5For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea,(EDOM) and upon the people of my curse, to judgment. 6The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of...