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  1. Fire

    Romanov Potatoes

    I invented this recipe while watching a documentary about the Romanovs lives therefore it is called Romanov potatoes. Ingredients: cherry tomatoes purple onions diced potatoes olive oil diced jalapenos roast tomatoes in olive oil in a cast iron skillet till they are blackened roasted add...
  2. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    Okay, I will look up what ramps are. Dandelion tea is so powerful. I just discovered how dangerous crow's poison is. How can such a pretty flower be so dangerous?
  3. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    I read that there are three herbs called "Cholagogues" that "stimulate the production of bile by your liver." The liver herbs are Artichoke Leaf, Dandelion, and burdock with chicory root. There are also, turmeric, rosemary, sage, yellow dock, blue vervain, lemon balm, and grape root and barberry.
  4. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    I'm going to get one. Hopefully, one can be attached to the main water line somehow, maybe the faucet. Thank you for this information.
  5. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    It's true, sweating and heat is really good for the body. The problem is the more I sweat, the more laundry I have to do (HeHe). I've never heard of charcoal water filters. It sounds like a good invention. Awhile back I saw that charcoal smoothies and charcoal ice cream was popular at high-end...
  6. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    I know I need to sweat more, I just don't like to do it! (ha) I use to do pilates with the Australian teacher's DVD's. I really liked it! I've tried other pilates programs that they sell at the store but they weren't the same as actual Australian pilates. I'm learning to breathe deeply. I...
  7. Fire

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    I was wondering if anyone had tips for cleaning out the body. Do you think that regular exercise paired with clean water and detox products can clean out out sweat glands? I've been trying to eat cleaner food and drink cleaner water but I'm still working on exercising. Do you think exercise...
  8. Fire

    The Exodus for Easter!

    Have you ever viewed your salvation experience through the lens of the Exodus?
  9. Fire

    The Exodus for Easter!

    It is the "Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston as Moses. I did not get to watch the whole movie but I love the acting and the costumes are amazing. Beautifully done!
  10. Fire

    The Exodus for Easter!

    Hi, I noticed ABC channel is premiering "The Exodus" for Easter and was wondering if anyone else has seen this film. It is the 1950s(?) version. I was also wondering what could be the parallel for this movie and Easter. Usually we are accustomed to the various Jesus films that show the death and...