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  1. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Any guesses on this one?
  2. J

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Hello, I wonder sometimes how such things matter in relation to showing love; I also wonder how often an idea is formed and then the going to the bible is a matter of tyring to support a claim rather than understanding what the bible is trying to say; If the bible is to be understood in it's...
  3. J


    There's plenty of challenges in society and communities today, especially in church communities, I didn't mean for my reply to ignore your experience... losing sight of the people, not seeing them as HIS Image, as we all are, not always seeing past flesh and blood and the influences of this...
  4. J


    He's there, remember the footprints in the sand?
  5. J

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    turkey bacon or home made beef sausage patties, of course with maple syrup;
  6. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    nice and thank you!
  7. J

    Understanding the bible in it's ancient near eastern context

    Consider uncovering patterns and designs that fits the ancient near eastern culture... things like waves crashing, it's a common phrase but what does it mean culturally in the Hebrew bible? Waves crashing represents all sorts of trouble, a phrase to them with meaning in their cultural context...
  8. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Now I wonder how many times 'Abraham believed God...' does appear, I might have to add that to the list to check out! lol
  9. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    The bible is the source :) and lots of other smart people and word study tools (like help to), it's intriguing to look and explore around and discover the bible and some of these ways, at least I think so :)
  10. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Let me be sure to be clear, Exo 34:6 is one of the most quoted, doesn't mean other's are also not quoted a lot, hope that helps :) To another point, repetition does seem to indicate importance for a lot of biblical studies :)
  11. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Next question, where is the first appearance of the word sin in the Hebrew bible?
  12. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Exodus 34:6 God's character traits are one of the most quoted by the rest of the bible itself (over twenty times).
  13. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    lol, hey close can count for some things! whats interesting is light on day 1 and then the sun, moon and stars on day 4 has meaning to itl it's part of the design, days 1, 2, 3 are the creation of realms in ancienty near eastern hebrew and days 4, 5, and 6 are the population of those realms...
  14. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Day 1 - let there be light... Day 4, the sun, moon and stars
  15. J

    Understanding the bible in it's ancient near eastern context

    Translations are voted on by committee, they are very open about the process and why they do it. There's also a number of new releases of the same translations that come out 'revised' as the committee's will rework a translated word here or there, as in many instances there are numerous...
  16. J

    Bible Trivia Fun

    Ok, a lot of crickets so far... hmmm, alright, what day of creation was the sun made? ah the light :)
  17. J

    Loss of salvation???

    Should we kindly remember the person who started this chat, why they did and although there's some back and forth on scriptures and points about scripture on the topic, @gratefuloneson I feel was reaching out, may that not be forgotten and may he continue to be encouraged :) Just a thought! Stay...
  18. J

    Word Association

  19. J


    Seems that coming back to HIM is also a choice you're able to make, and a good one at that, so just maybe making good choices isn't so hard :) All the best tomorrow!
  20. J

    Loss of salvation???

    Consider also, John 16:1 And it's nice to keep searching HIM out, there's lots of mercy and grace :) We all need HIM