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  1. J

    Leading communion... Never done anything like this before.

    Thanks for the video I'll watch it after school drop off. No I know it's not a job, it's just what if I get up and I crash and burn?? I have basically grown up in this church and I don't know it just feels so weird. I take my children to this church but I never thought I would be the one...
  2. J

    Leading communion... Never done anything like this before.

    Well I'm not exactly sure about how the church roster works, but I usually just lend a helping hand like setting up creche area, tidying it up sometimes I help vaccum when my children give me the time to do it. The church roster has things like cleaning, gatekeeping, worship, communion, leading...
  3. J

    Leading communion... Never done anything like this before.

    I don't know if this belongs here but can't really find a forum for this. So today I went to church, it was good. We did fellowship after church as usual and well today one of the church members came up to me and said "I am really excited to hear you speak" I was confused. I asked her "I'm...
  4. J

    Bible Dictionaries

    Thank you for the information I will look into it.
  5. J

    Bible Dictionaries

    Thank you for the recommendations. I am just attempting to find resources to aid me in the bible. The biggest issue I have is people and place names. I try to use the maps but I still struggle. I also like learning what the names mean as they're relevant to where they are placed.
  6. J

    There's no "The One"

    We will never stop making mistakes we are not perfect and we shouldn't strive to be. God / Jesus are the only perfect ones. All we can do is just strive to keep God's commands, repent and pray that He will continue to strengthen you as you keep His commands.
  7. J

    Bible Dictionaries

    Hi so I hope I am posting in the right place it is a little hard to tell. Basically I'm looking for recommendations on a Bible dictionary. I do have a couple apps and I have borrowed one from a friend but I found the app and bible dictionary I have borrowed to be lack luster in content however...
  8. J

    There's no "The One"

    Yes as long as God remains the one you continuously chase everything else will fall into line. I did not have enough faith now, I am a solo mum to three kids, we were unequally yoked. I have now left it in God's hands as I should have done to begin with, but hey we all do silly things when we...
  9. J


    That's very beautiful, thank you for sharing. Since I've been deep diving into the bible independently as of November last year I realised I barely knew anything. I could retell the stories in a basic child format. I couldn't repeat scriptures off my heart, I couldn't tell you where to look for...
  10. J

    There's no "The One"

    I think there is a one, but not in the way of just one person. My experience is a little like: the one who taught me patience, the one who taught me not to lose myself in people, the one who taught me how to be kind to myself.. I had the one I married, the one who left, I've experienced the one...
  11. J

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    I personally do not know enough of the Bible to answer this question however I can speculate from the things I have been taught. Which is quite simply we do not know God's thoughts. The Nephilim are barely mentioned in Genesis let alone anywhere else that I have discovered so far. My personal...
  12. J

    New Person

    Hi Brandon, I am also new to this site and looking for others to learn more and grow a deeper understanding in God's word! The word of God is definitely active and alive! I myself often find myself rereading passages and gleaning new understandings in it.
  13. J


    Hi, I am new to this site, I am looking for chats about the Bible. While I'm not new to my faith or the Bible, I am fairly new to studying the Bible in depth and learning more about God's word. I love hearing others understanding on the teaching in the Bible. I was recently baptised in church...