Search results

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    Are there people who have met and connected seriously?

    Is this place really okay for some one to meet someone they can be interested in .
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    I have looked into the book of numbers and I didn’t find your number.

    Hey let’s talk about how we are blessed to meet
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    What are his commandments?

    Me I call them Principles
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    The great ages reached by biblical characters

    I can now understand because Methuselah and Lameh died a week before the flood
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    Loss of salvation???

    I believe salvation is accepting and believing that you are born again and accepting God in your life . Just because you sin it doesn’t mean you will lose your salvation but believe you are adding on the things you will be accountable for on the day of judgement. Because we as sinners are not...
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    Am confused by the generation of Jesus Christ started from Seth please enlighten me because before Terah the father to Abraham . Who was the father to Terah
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