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  1. LightningClap0002


    A friend just shared this poem/blog with me. Though it may be directed more towards women, I think there is great value in it for men also. I Will Never Pursue You | ARABY Or for those who don't want to read it: ... I’ll stick to the part that I know - and that is to keep my heart pure. So...
  2. LightningClap0002

    Differing Opinions

    It seems that there are many many different relationships that we have with friends. In the past, I often would consider friendships as negative if they hurt my relationship with God. Recently, though, I have a friendship that has left me confused. I have been talking to my best friend almost...
  3. LightningClap0002

    Hearing From Him

    Over the past few years I've gained a new understanding of God. I've seen several people wondering why they never hear from God, or wondering how they know that it's God talking to them. I wanted to share my experience more generally in the hope that it may help some others who may be...
  4. LightningClap0002


    Lav, I'm still confused, and it seems like maybe I wasn't as clear about the reason for my confusion as I thought. Your answer above didn't provide any more clarity to my initial confusion; your responses seem very passionate, so I'd like to more clearly understand. MissCriss asked "But if...
  5. LightningClap0002

    Random Question

    As singles we all know that it's sinful to be jealous of our married friends; it's sin to be jealous of our neighbors in general. So, I present this question... Do you think it is sinful to be jealous of animals, or to covet something an animal has?
  6. LightningClap0002

    Would You Rather Wait?

    The other day I had a discussion with a friend about people who very intentionally play roles when they date someone. They tailor their behavior and responses and truths to what they think is the 'right way to act.' Online people seem to open up much quicker than in real life. People are...
  7. LightningClap0002

    If you could...

    What do you think?
  8. LightningClap0002

    Making Christianity Appealing

    How do you(or I or Lisa or...anyone) make Christianity appealing to non-Christians?
  9. LightningClap0002

    Accidentally Following Christ

    This sounds an awful lot like what the teacher in Ecclesiastes 1 went through. His conclusion: [COLOR=#001320][FONT=Arial] My beliefs built on a larger spread of the bible as a whole is that life is not about living it. It's not about identifying our own desires, it's not about us; It's...
  10. LightningClap0002

    Adulterous Love

    Until a few months ago I wasn't very familiar with the story of Hosea. It is certainly not a children's Bible story, but I don't know that I've ever really heard a sermon on it either. In the end, I'm left with some questions. Hosea was told to marry and adulterer; she continued in her ways...
  11. LightningClap0002

    Beware Of Christians

    I've had a Netflix account for over 5 years now. Several times I've put it on hold and considered cancelling it; I've asked myself if it is truly a godly, beneficial, way of spending my money. Maybe this movement has already died out, but while I was growing up there were Christian speakers...
  12. LightningClap0002

    A preview of Heaven

    In seeking wisdom people often turn to Proverbs, and there certainly is plenty of wisdom to be found there, but recently I stumbled across Ecclesiastes 2. In particular, a visiting pastor brought up Ecclesiastes 2:24 which states " A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find...
  13. LightningClap0002

    Today's Message

    I have had this idea tugging at my mind today. I think for a lot of people it's really difficult to truly absorb. I am now convinced... God certainly made this land for us, but seeking to experience it isn't the purpose. Have you really thought about what it costs to be a christian? Those...
  14. LightningClap0002


    So I wish I could write this up as a guide for everyone else, but I don't have an answer to even begin to build upon. Does anyone have any practical insight (examples maybe?) of how to reconcile the following passage with a sin-free life? Romans 12:17-18 ... Be careful to do what is right in...
  15. LightningClap0002

    At First Sight

    I had a new experience a few months ago that I didn't really come to appreciate until recently. Several threads here on CC had sort of shaped my view of this idea of 'love at first sight.' It seemed that a lot of people seemed to think that lust alone was possible at first sight. As a play on...
  16. LightningClap0002

    Hyping Heaven: Part 1

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm really excited to get to heaven. To get to the end of this life and reach my true potential. Just reading about the little bit we know leaves me hoping for so much more. Hoping to find one more little easter egg about what it will really be like. I...
  17. LightningClap0002


    Boring... He's boring. When told this, it seems like most people take offense. A recent commercial depicts a man getting called 'boring' on a date then running off with his credit card to experience the world. Even on these forums, women have stated in the past that many christian men are...
  18. LightningClap0002

    Not perfect

    A friend shared this image a little while ago. I thought it was a really good message. Don't give up, He never gives up on you.
  19. LightningClap0002

    "I'm Praying For You"

    Hopefully just a simple question. Does anyone have biblical support for telling someone that you are, or will, pray for them? I do it, so I'm not trying to condemn it, just looking for others' guidance here. When I was younger it really bothered me that people would say it. It seemed much...
  20. LightningClap0002

    Anyone ever notice...

    So, maybe I'm just incredibly unobservant and it's always been like this, but has anyone ever noticed that you can report your own posts? I'm so tempted to do it!