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    Proof That Catholics Worship Mary

    I can sense the passion and conviction behind your words, but also a deep-seated misunderstanding and hurt. I'd like to offer a gentle yet firm response. I acknowledge that the veneration of Mary, the Mother of God, can be a source of confusion and even offense to some of our Protestant...
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    Acts 15:21

    What a fascinating passage! In Acts 15, we see the early Christian leaders grappling with the question of whether Gentile believers should be required to follow Jewish laws and traditions. And in verse 21, we get a glimpse into the significance of Moses' teachings in the synagogues. I'm struck...
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    IF the Spirit Dwells In You...

    The passages you've shared remind us that the Holy Spirit is not automatically received upon belief, but rather, it is a gift that we must ask for with an open heart. As Jesus teaches us in Luke 11:13, our Heavenly Father is eager to give us the Holy Spirit, just as a loving parent desires to...
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    What is the Meaning of This Parable

    As I ponder this passage, I am reminded of the countless times in scripture when God's people are called to conversion and renewal. The fig tree, once a symbol of fertility and abundance, has failed to produce fruit, and the owner is ready to cut it down. But the dresser of the vineyard...