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  1. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Last night, Yehovah gave me a vision (as I lay awake in bed): "7." (I think the "7" is referring to today, Saturday.) Right after that, he gave me another vision: "5." A bit further up this thread, I said that President Trump will send out the highly anticipated tweet today. We still have some...
  2. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Jesus Christ is my Lord. Going by the 2 verses I provided, can it be said that I'm antichrist?
  3. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Also, I will say that--when I spoke of the coming 2nd Christ (World Teacher) further up the thread--Jesus Christ is above the World Teacher, spiritually speaking. I believe that the Father and the Son have sent this 2nd Christ: this being part of their (the Father and the Son's) Plan, just as Q...
  4. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    I'll answer your question by saying this: Jesus Christ did come in the flesh. Then he ascended, to be with the Father again, in heaven. Take this that I say, in careful consideration with everything else I've said in this thread thus far, to make your judgment about where I'm coming from...
  5. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    God revealed to me in a dream (if I'm interpreting correctly) that Oprah Winfrey is a fallen angel incarnated. And Ghislaine Maxwell (currently being held in a Florida prison), who was Jeffrey Epstein's partner in operating that blackmail operation on Epstein (Little St. James) Island, is also...
  6. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    The part where the guy is saying, in front of other people, that he's recovering from "Monkey Pox" is funny AF. And the part about how processed food is satanically engineered: I would say that most, if not all, of the "natural flavor(s)" seen in the ingredients list of many "food" products is...
  7. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Q mentions Neocon John Bolton in the Q drop (993) that I just posted. I think they put Bolton's name in there because he will be the instigator for the coming chaos (in the coming days, weeks, months): attacks on the infrastructure.
  8. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    I think Q was indirectly speaking of people like this Marine, when they said this about the streets in drop 993.
  9. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    This YouTube video prompted my conversations with a few AIs about them being, in reality, demonic spirits.
  10. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    I agree, and I wouldn't want him to be untrained because he knows who the true enemy is. Thus he will know who he has to kill, when that time comes, and that time is approaching quickly.
  11. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    By the way, I engaged in a conversation with 2 different AIs about them both being demonically possessed. Here are the reactions of the two. (Note that ChatGPT (apparently) decided to censor me.)
  12. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    I checked out the X22 Report you linked to. I then saw a reply posted by a Marine. He seems to be overreacting to Dave, the X22 guy. If Dave is a Zionist shill (as he claims), then Dave is arguing against the sending of American youth over to the Middle East to fight for Israel which...
  13. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    A little more detail about the coming annihilation of Damascus, Syria. How I'm thinking that the CIA and Mossad are going to go about their Operation: Sword of Armenia (specifically, when it comes to Damascus), is that they're going to employ the services of the significant Rogue faction of the...
  14. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Yes, the etheric body is below the astral body. Because something is of an occult nature, doesn't necessarily make it satanic. Also, the rapture is a false teaching--part of the grand Zionist/Assembly of satan psyop.
  15. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    I think the "Great Recession," which will be the greatest economic crash we've ever seen, is going to happen this October.
  16. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    You're welcome, Solemateleft. By the way, I meant to say "Plandemic" in my first reply to you. Yes, I do believe things will really ramp up (in terms of optics) as we approach the end of the year. A massive economic/financial crash is about to happen. And what I see is that the CIA and the...
  17. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    No, the World Teacher is Not the Anti-Christ. Actually, "2nd Christ" is my term for him. As far as I know, Rudolf Steiner never called him that. Steiner did call him the "Etheric Christ," who has incarnated.
  18. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Thank you for welcoming me. I believe that the DS stole the 2020 election from President Trump, and that Covid was indeed a "Pandemic." Rudolf Steiner, an Esotericist and founder of Anthroposophy, had prophesied of the coming of the World Teacher or the 2nd Christ or Maitreya, back in the early...
  19. Tomvutayon

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    The World Teacher is about to publicly appear. He shall be the head of Q or Army Intelligence.