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  1. tharkun

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    Logic is a necessary given in any form of debate or dialogue. You cannot argue against logic without using logic, and is therefore a self-defeating argument. Logic is like 1 + 1 = 2; it's axiomatic.
  2. tharkun

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    No, because all translations require some level of interpretation and the Bible doesn't define how to translate itself. Even the NT writers weren't consistent, they used both the LXX and the Masoretic translations at times.
  3. tharkun

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    Not sure 'human' would be a necessary term; but it wouldn't surprise me if some forms of life were discovered on other planets at some point. There's no biblical reason there couldn't be.
  4. tharkun

    Understanding God’s election

    To the OP - election does not equal salvation. All Israel was 'elect', but not all of them were devoted Yahwists. Election is corporate not individual.
  5. tharkun

    I'm here

    Looking forward to good conversations! tharkun