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  1. olivetree32

    The Narrow Road=Saying Goodbye

    Sometimes we have to walk away from a relationship that’s not Godly, and it hurts. Have you ever loved someone that didn’t want a relationship with Jesus? Sometimes walking away can be one of the hardest decisions. But you know in your heart it’s the right thing to do. If you love someone...
  2. olivetree32

    I don’t care what denomination you are! Are you born again?

    Jesus said we must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God! He didn’t say, if you go to church on the wrong day you won’t enter the Kingdom of heaven. I don’t have time to worry about if your presbyterian, Baptist etc…. Are you born again? Do you except Christ as your savior? Is your church...
  3. olivetree32


    Does someone feel like praying?
  4. olivetree32

    If falling in love was so easy ❤️

    If falling in love was so easy: I could just get a puppy dog, and forget about men🤷🏻‍♀️ Funny 😂 Going on a date, or sharing information about yourself is not a marriage proposal people. Nothing wrong with getting to know someone. I’m encouraging people to give love a chance. God has someone for...
  5. olivetree32

    Hi 👋

    I’m not new, but it’s been years. Hello from Southern California
  6. olivetree32

    Happy New Year

    Anyone want to chat on ( something to look forward to in this New Year?
  7. olivetree32

    I would rather be single then be with the wrong person.

    Please get to know someone for who they really are. God wants the best for you♡
  8. olivetree32

    Do you think Super man is real, Aka clark Kent?

    hahahha, this one is for you Naz!! im just having fun. love you guys and God bless.
  9. olivetree32

    How do you think and earthly marriage represents the church?

    so my question is, how do you think the world views the earthly marriage. And how do you think the earlthy marriage is a picutre of our Heavenly Fathers love? With the divorce rate so hight today, and the world watching, i belive God is going to use His church in these end days ahead.
  10. olivetree32

    Do you think God has chosen your mate?

    well, i personally think He has. And for those of you who are wating on God's perfect timming, I encourage you to keep waiting.