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  1. Romeo4u

    Muslim extremists burnt Christians homes in Pakistan.

    Dear All, Many times Christians are victims of 295 C blasphemy law in Pakistan. On 09-03-2013, Muslim extremists attacked Christian Joseph colony in Badami Bhag Lahore Pakistan and more than 200 hundred homes of Christians set on fire . Lahore is Capital city of Punjab Province, Chief Minister...
  2. Romeo4u

    Why Jesus Christ is my personal Savior? (Part I)

    Why Jesus Christ is my personal Savior? (Part I) When a child under four or five he see the new things and ask, why ? how?. As same as a child we will ask our self why Jesus Christ is my personal Savior. Why we have to follow Bible and Lord Jesus Christ. So we will try to learn about...
  3. Romeo4u

    Why Jesus Christ is my personal Savior? (Part II)

    Why Jesus Christ is my personal Savior? (Part II) But the question comes in mind that is the Jesus Christ that savior? Let’s try to get answer……….. The Jesus Christ: (Micah 5:2 ), "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come...
  4. Romeo4u

    Is Jesus Christ a God ?

    Is Jesus Christ a God? Let’s try to see what The Holy Bible saying about it. New International Version (NIV) Matthew 4 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you...