I am going to Speak My Mind, Midnight Confess and walk into The Biggest Room Ever all at the same time.
I have been stagnant, I have been willfully sinning, and pushing my limits as a Christian and it doesn't make me feel good. It makes me feel very far from God and questioning my faith, feeling like a terrible example to those around me and lost trying to find my way again.
This sanctification thing is tough. Help me Jesus is my constant cry, but walking into the biggest room is hard.
One of my latest compromises has been eating the wrong diet. The Bible says James 4: 17
Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
I was taught a certain way growing up not by my parents as they had both passed away by the time I was 12 but by others who had a part in my growing up process including my Aunt... Whether this way was right or wrong it was the way I was taught and therefore a part of my belief system.
I need help in food choices, not cussing, not judging, not criticizing others, not robbing God of my time and talents to name just a few.
When I do these things I feel I am moving away from God not closer to him.
I need to confess all of this and repent and make an about face and start walking back toward God. I need to accept the forgiveness offered to me by Him and lean on Jesus. I do not want to commit the unpardonable sin as I want the Holy Spirit to always dwell within me.
So even old people have doubts and have questions and wonder when is He ever coming back and taking us out of this place filled with sin and satan who never leaves us alone but is constantly hounding us to sin over and over again? HELP!
So that's my rant for now... thanks for your time.... JesusLives but Dar is struggling.