I have been on several Christian dating sites. One had a chat room which was frequented by both sincere folks and scammers alike. I made really good friendships - male and female- through the chat and met a couple of people. I did get caught o it by a scammer, thankfully no funds involved

i don’t go on now as it was never very good for actually finding a partner but I know a couple who were married through there, fusion101 which is a free Christian site, also Christian cafe did result in a few positive experiences for me. I only had a few feee trials with them and never paid to stay on though. The chat on fusion101 was taken down years back so I came off there as it was harder to get a feel for who people were from just profiles and I wasn’t getting anywhere anyway. I Gave up on finding romance and so moved over to the Christian social network they made, and also landed here

It’s far less stressful and I think healthier to just get to know people generally and leave the rest to God. That’s just me though and I do know it had worked for some. (I also know people who have had Creepy stalkers Lurking in their gardens and following them to work every morning in their cars etc. soooo you do have to be mega careful!)