Was wondering if it would be at all possible to expand the ignore option? You can't post in the bible study forums without being being bashed for your views, regardless of what those views might be. Sure you can put these people on "ignore" however that doesn't stop them from following you around the forums proclaiming you are some sort of false prophet. They seem to do it more when they know you have them on ignore.
It would be nice to have an ignore option that works both ways, you ignore them and they can't see you. Of course their would have to be some rules set up concerning expected behavior and such but I feel such an option would resolve much of the nonsense on the forums.
It would be nice to have an ignore option that works both ways, you ignore them and they can't see you. Of course their would have to be some rules set up concerning expected behavior and such but I feel such an option would resolve much of the nonsense on the forums.