Ok so here it goes. This is a very hard topic for me to talk about but I knew that sooner or later I would have to. And whats a better place to do it other than in front of all my brother and sisters in christ. Anyways... So I live with my two older sisters. One of them is kind of promiscuous. She is a christian she has just fallen away from the lord. She is married but seperated. She thinks that she has to have someone at all times. Anyways. Her husband is extremely psycho. He has tried to rape her several times since they have been speperated. Also to make matters worse they have a beautiful baby boy together. Her husband has pretty much nothing to do with him. My sister since her seperation has just gone down hill majorly. I understand that she is confused and cant make the best of decisions right now but it is getting a bit out of hand. I am always trying offer her advice and its always in the best intrest of her and my nephew. But she seems to ignore me all the time. She always tells me to stop offering it because I know she wont listen. I pray about it often but I just cant find the answers. I am just wondering how I can get through to her. Someone needs to and I feel it should be me. I am the closest friend she has. Shes very hard headed. But I am constantly in fear of what mistake she is going to make next. I understand that she will have to pay for everything she does... But I kind of feel like I might pay if I dont try and make her feel guilty. I am sure that the lord is doing this... but I feel like she isnt listening. She says she wants to change but never acts as though she actually does. I just need advice. Its so much to handle. Please give me some advice. =]