I have seen some more arguments about women teaching recently. Should all women teach, No! Should all men teach, No! Yet God had to use a donkey once to get a stubborn person to hear Him! Then what is the deciding factor? How can you know?
Something to ponder!
Sometimes we forget our brothers the “apostles”. They were just men, subjects to the same sins, temptations and failures. As anyone!
When I wrote women should be able to teach, if they are truly saved and born again in the Spirit! Haven’t they been given the same Holy Spirit, then judge not the messengers. Judge the message against the word of God. Which you should study and know. Least you be deceived by women, or man! My Lord Jesus said, who are my mothers and brothers? Here are my mother and my brothers! 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Note: I see he talked about mother and brother, who is the third he added? Sister? Why?
So what is the measurement he has given in this saying? That though he has a physical mother, and brothers. They are of no more importance than these, his disciples! Including women, his sister! So who are the disciples? Those who do the will of God! What was Jesus instruction to them as he left the earth? Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youalways, to the very end of the age.” Anywhere in here did he say don’t save women? Don’t preach to children? Anyone excluded here? Any nation? Tribe or tongue? Now looking back with 20/20, was Jesus saying only preach to the Jew? Now during that time, only the Jews were being preached to and being converted. Why? That would soon to change too, again why? Seek and find!
I Remember they quoted Paul’s writings mainly as part of the argument against women teaching. Remember, I said they can make mistakes too? Remember how Paul went after Peter? For what? How? Now what did Christ say to do when your brother sins against you? Embarrass them in front of everyone? Or talk to them alone first? If they don’t listen, then take two or three witnesses in private. Then those witnesses should also be in agreement right? If they still don’t listen take it before the church. Hmm he seemed to skip a few steps. Now how do you think Peter handled it? Did he let his pride, which he got smacked down for before, well up and strike out quoting the master? Or, just maybe, he took him to the side and spoke with him after.. one day, we will know for sure ;-). Yet no one seems to point that out.
Paul’s closest argument about women not teaching I would say isn’t keeping silent in church. That is because out of respect they should resolve things in private since women were put under “subject” according to the scripture. Now there are arguments about translations and deep dives. Which there should be when seeking the truth however, not only did he say they should be subject, but also because of women they tempted Adam and caused the fall of man. Women teaches man, man follows the devil.
Yes spiritually and physically Eve lead to the downfall of man! This is true! Yet brothers and sisters it is also true, that though destruction and downfall came upon man a woman. So too did the spiritual and rebirth of man and the light of salvation also come through women. Does this negate the word? Or his teachings? No, but It depends on the meat. Is one wise enough to tell what meat is good and what is spoiled! How? Are we not all subject to error?
Do you not know you are born again through Christ? If then you are born again by water and Spirit through Christ and he calls God Father and instructs you to do so also when you are born again. Then who is your mother?
This should be a tip you off about something I asked you guys a while back. If you care, something about Jacob and Esau.
Was there deception between a mother, father and brothers? Or a foreshadow being cast? I was going to explain this but am now moved not to. Though I have shared this with a few. For if you feed a man a fish, he will just come to you to be fed. Just like a pet. Just like most are comfortable doing, as are some just as comfortable “feeding”. But how old is the fish, from where was it caught? There are plenty of bad water and fish. Spoiling the meat!
If you teach a man, or woman how and where to fish instead! Then, well, then you can help them help themselves, their families and others and feed the world! Through the one who makes the fish and fills the waters.
So think about this brothers and sisters, would you rather eat fish given to you, not knowing from whence it came or what water? Or would you rather catch the fish and know from where it has come and what water it is in?
To love all and give mercy with humility showing acceptance of a lost sheep is much different than giving acceptance affirming one’s sin as acceptable to God! Much like Cain and Able, one was acceptable before God, one was not!
Love all, serve all, a brother in Christ
This is the way!
Something to ponder!
Sometimes we forget our brothers the “apostles”. They were just men, subjects to the same sins, temptations and failures. As anyone!
When I wrote women should be able to teach, if they are truly saved and born again in the Spirit! Haven’t they been given the same Holy Spirit, then judge not the messengers. Judge the message against the word of God. Which you should study and know. Least you be deceived by women, or man! My Lord Jesus said, who are my mothers and brothers? Here are my mother and my brothers! 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Note: I see he talked about mother and brother, who is the third he added? Sister? Why?
So what is the measurement he has given in this saying? That though he has a physical mother, and brothers. They are of no more importance than these, his disciples! Including women, his sister! So who are the disciples? Those who do the will of God! What was Jesus instruction to them as he left the earth? Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youalways, to the very end of the age.” Anywhere in here did he say don’t save women? Don’t preach to children? Anyone excluded here? Any nation? Tribe or tongue? Now looking back with 20/20, was Jesus saying only preach to the Jew? Now during that time, only the Jews were being preached to and being converted. Why? That would soon to change too, again why? Seek and find!
I Remember they quoted Paul’s writings mainly as part of the argument against women teaching. Remember, I said they can make mistakes too? Remember how Paul went after Peter? For what? How? Now what did Christ say to do when your brother sins against you? Embarrass them in front of everyone? Or talk to them alone first? If they don’t listen, then take two or three witnesses in private. Then those witnesses should also be in agreement right? If they still don’t listen take it before the church. Hmm he seemed to skip a few steps. Now how do you think Peter handled it? Did he let his pride, which he got smacked down for before, well up and strike out quoting the master? Or, just maybe, he took him to the side and spoke with him after.. one day, we will know for sure ;-). Yet no one seems to point that out.
Paul’s closest argument about women not teaching I would say isn’t keeping silent in church. That is because out of respect they should resolve things in private since women were put under “subject” according to the scripture. Now there are arguments about translations and deep dives. Which there should be when seeking the truth however, not only did he say they should be subject, but also because of women they tempted Adam and caused the fall of man. Women teaches man, man follows the devil.
Yes spiritually and physically Eve lead to the downfall of man! This is true! Yet brothers and sisters it is also true, that though destruction and downfall came upon man a woman. So too did the spiritual and rebirth of man and the light of salvation also come through women. Does this negate the word? Or his teachings? No, but It depends on the meat. Is one wise enough to tell what meat is good and what is spoiled! How? Are we not all subject to error?
Do you not know you are born again through Christ? If then you are born again by water and Spirit through Christ and he calls God Father and instructs you to do so also when you are born again. Then who is your mother?
This should be a tip you off about something I asked you guys a while back. If you care, something about Jacob and Esau.
Was there deception between a mother, father and brothers? Or a foreshadow being cast? I was going to explain this but am now moved not to. Though I have shared this with a few. For if you feed a man a fish, he will just come to you to be fed. Just like a pet. Just like most are comfortable doing, as are some just as comfortable “feeding”. But how old is the fish, from where was it caught? There are plenty of bad water and fish. Spoiling the meat!
If you teach a man, or woman how and where to fish instead! Then, well, then you can help them help themselves, their families and others and feed the world! Through the one who makes the fish and fills the waters.
So think about this brothers and sisters, would you rather eat fish given to you, not knowing from whence it came or what water? Or would you rather catch the fish and know from where it has come and what water it is in?
To love all and give mercy with humility showing acceptance of a lost sheep is much different than giving acceptance affirming one’s sin as acceptable to God! Much like Cain and Able, one was acceptable before God, one was not!
Love all, serve all, a brother in Christ
This is the way!
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