"For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want." Galatians 5:17
Often it seems that the flesh is far more powerful than the Spirit. This is a lie, of course. So why do so many Christians struggle? The problem is a deep seated reluctance to give up on the flesh. God's remedy is not what the flesh wants. God's remedy is not to reform or reconstruct. The flesh is not to be saved. God knows that it is beyond saving. So God crucifies the old nature of the flesh. (Galatians 2:20)
Galatians 2:20 is one of the best known verses in the New Testament. It's been called "the gospel in a nutshell". Yet how many experience the freedom from the flesh that Galatians 2:20 implies?
The reason is simple. Christians do not want to give up on the flesh. It lies to us, promising to change. There is a price to pay. We have to give up our "rights", our pride and rebellion and selfish ambition. Death is not appealing. So many deceive themselves, imagining that they can have something of the flesh and also something of the Spirit. God puts up with that for a season as we are initially ignorant of His ways. Eventually, we must come to the place where we yield entirely to the Lordship of Christ.
At first, God deals with us by blessing. Rarely does that achieve the result that God requires. If blessing does not work, God's dealings are mostly negative, proving to us that our flesh is our deadly enemy. Once we have accepted the Lordship of Christ, we begin to know God's blessing on our lives once more.
When I was first saved, I feared God's will. I did not know what God would do with me. I hated being controlled by anyone, and it seemed that God wanted to control me. Now I realise that my ways seems right but have led me to disaster all too often. I'm content with God's will, even though there are still times when I wonder what is going on.
The three great enemies are pride, rebellion and independence. God will work to break the hold of those deep rooted wrong attitudes. But He won't do it if we fight Him. Let God change you. He loves you, He knows you and he knows what is the best for you. True fulfillment is found only when we are in harmony with the will of God. That's what we are created for.
Often it seems that the flesh is far more powerful than the Spirit. This is a lie, of course. So why do so many Christians struggle? The problem is a deep seated reluctance to give up on the flesh. God's remedy is not what the flesh wants. God's remedy is not to reform or reconstruct. The flesh is not to be saved. God knows that it is beyond saving. So God crucifies the old nature of the flesh. (Galatians 2:20)
Galatians 2:20 is one of the best known verses in the New Testament. It's been called "the gospel in a nutshell". Yet how many experience the freedom from the flesh that Galatians 2:20 implies?
The reason is simple. Christians do not want to give up on the flesh. It lies to us, promising to change. There is a price to pay. We have to give up our "rights", our pride and rebellion and selfish ambition. Death is not appealing. So many deceive themselves, imagining that they can have something of the flesh and also something of the Spirit. God puts up with that for a season as we are initially ignorant of His ways. Eventually, we must come to the place where we yield entirely to the Lordship of Christ.
At first, God deals with us by blessing. Rarely does that achieve the result that God requires. If blessing does not work, God's dealings are mostly negative, proving to us that our flesh is our deadly enemy. Once we have accepted the Lordship of Christ, we begin to know God's blessing on our lives once more.
When I was first saved, I feared God's will. I did not know what God would do with me. I hated being controlled by anyone, and it seemed that God wanted to control me. Now I realise that my ways seems right but have led me to disaster all too often. I'm content with God's will, even though there are still times when I wonder what is going on.
The three great enemies are pride, rebellion and independence. God will work to break the hold of those deep rooted wrong attitudes. But He won't do it if we fight Him. Let God change you. He loves you, He knows you and he knows what is the best for you. True fulfillment is found only when we are in harmony with the will of God. That's what we are created for.
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