We simply can't add a room for every little whim someone has an issue with. If we did we'd have 6000 rooms by now, all of which would be empty. There are countless times Robo has added in a room upon request from people who swear black and blue they will use it...then once it's added THEY NEVER USE IT.
eg: Text only, mentally challenged (now known as random) sports...all of these rooms (and I'm sure there are others) were added after weeks and sometimes months of chatters whining, and complaining and demanding...then their wish is granted... and THEY DON'T USE IT! Then we get people complaining no one ever uses those rooms. We just can't win!
It becomes really frustrating trying to bend over backwards to meet every chatters 'need' (or desires) only to have little or no appreciation shown for it.
This site (and all the features on it) takes time, money, and a team of committed VOLUNTEERS to keep it running. Yet chatters seem to think nothing of complaining about how the features presently available don't meet their present desires. If you genuinely have a suggestion you think would make this site better, or a feature you think could improve the workings of the site...then sure, by all means post it here...but if you just want to complain because you don't like hearing certain topics in the rooms...then please refrain. This site is FREE and we intend keeping it that way, but whining and moaning and demanding only makes our job harder (and we lose patience

However, please be aware any suggestions you may have will most likely take money and time to implement. Sometimes,we see a suggestion we think is a great idea, but we simply don't have the resources to make it happen. So if you really want to see your suggestion implemented (and not get frustrated with waiting months and seeing nothing- feeling like you're being ignored) then feel free to include a donation with your suggestion, to cover the cost of implementing that new feature.
Here's a little tip:
If someone is talking about something you simply don't like/enjoy eg : politics, sport, dating, etc... then just change rooms..or suggest a new topic (something you DO want to talk about.) If however, someone is talking about something inappropriate or blatantly against all this site stands for, then sure ask them to change topics or report them to a Moderator.
We want this to be a place of fellowship, where different people from all backgrounds, nations, cultures, belief systems can meet and have healthy fellowship. We can't do that if we start creating rooms for this, that and the other...it only segregates people into clicky little groups.
We have loads of rooms already...and lots of them are often empty.
I do hope this doesn't come across the wrong way. By all means please feel free to make suggestions (we welcome them), but please take the time to consider the viability of your suggestion and what would be involved in seeing it happen
I hope that made sense.