Being a veggie, because i loathe factory farming, not because eating animals is evil, i've developed several shortcut recipes. One of my best is a recipe for samosa pastry, which tastes great and makes their creation a doddle.
6 ozs/170g sifted plain white flour
1 tbsp of good quality sunflower oil
Just enough water to bind ingredients together
When the ingredients are mixed together, collect in both hands and roll/manipulate with your fingers until a smooth ball is formed. Wrap in lightly oiled foil or film and leave to relax in the fridge for about 30 minutes, after which the pastry will be very elastic and easy to use. Break into about 8 balls which will be ideal for making medium size vegetable or meat samosas. They will puff up beautifully when fried, my samosas are pretty legendary among friends and family.
Anyone else want to share their shortcut recipes?
6 ozs/170g sifted plain white flour
1 tbsp of good quality sunflower oil
Just enough water to bind ingredients together
When the ingredients are mixed together, collect in both hands and roll/manipulate with your fingers until a smooth ball is formed. Wrap in lightly oiled foil or film and leave to relax in the fridge for about 30 minutes, after which the pastry will be very elastic and easy to use. Break into about 8 balls which will be ideal for making medium size vegetable or meat samosas. They will puff up beautifully when fried, my samosas are pretty legendary among friends and family.
Anyone else want to share their shortcut recipes?
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