us too 
I LOVE when the major companies have booths set up in stores and you're trying to shop around them but they come over and hound you anyway
telling them we're happy with over the air is like throwing cold water on them
and when my kids were itty bitty (before being exposed to computers and internet @ school) telling them my kids had NEVER been exposed to streaming or even held a device in their tiny preschool and younger hands made their jaws drop and the looks on their face PRICELESS.
And recently was a good one too. They have a booth in my fave grocery store at least once a week. Now I know they see hundreds of faces every week doing this "job" but this guy really got on my nerves hounding me EVERY TIME I walked through the door. I finally told him one day "I told you LAST week that we're happy with over the air, and the week BEFORE that AND the week BEFORE that. My mind hasn't changed, but if it ever does I sure wont be coming to YOUR booth
The next week he was training someone new, saw us coming, turned to her and as we walked by I could overhear him whispering to her " Don't bother with her...... she's not buying.. they like "over the air" and their faces were like
I almost laughed out loud
I LOVE when the major companies have booths set up in stores and you're trying to shop around them but they come over and hound you anyway
telling them we're happy with over the air is like throwing cold water on them
The next week he was training someone new, saw us coming, turned to her and as we walked by I could overhear him whispering to her " Don't bother with her...... she's not buying.. they like "over the air" and their faces were like
I almost laughed out loud
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