New profile posts

"I like to play chess" - me too. Especially the "transcendental" variety.
Thank you very much for your warm welcome
I have a question. I just used my debit card to subscribe for 1 year. It says it accepted it but it's asking me to sign up for PayPal. I did not sign up and it looks li,e it took my money. Did my transaction go through and has my subscription started.
I want to pay for a year so I can if I want to message members and they me....however it will not allow me to ues my debit card what am I doing wrong and I'm sure donations are going to have the same problem.
Hi, can you please delete my account? There's no option to do so.
I enjoy your posts, although they do not come often enough. They are brief and to the point.
After reading your about page I see the gentleness in your life that directs your unshakable faith.
Since I am your senior by some 20yrs, I feel it my duty to leave you with this very important piece of information I see that you were born in 1961. Did you know that when you turn it upside-down it is still 1961?
Dear BillyBob...What a lovely message from you that blessed my heart so much...I cannot thank you enough for that...I have stopped reaching out and making threads as I know how easily they can get torn down , so I tend to sit on the side , and reply to posts if I feel I am being directed through The Holy Spirit...And no lol , I have never even noticed that about my birth year , that made me giggle...God bless brother
Hi Tabin, thank you so much for the sweet (and very generous!) compliment. I figure every now and then, people might want to see the face of who's rambling all over the forum! 😆 My hair is naturally stick straight and limp as spaghetti. I get perms, or in an emergency, use hot rollers. Thank you for all the love, encouragement, and positivity you bring here! ❤️🌹🥰