I am not certain about the laws being writtendown by the Levitical priests, though there are a lot of factors most are not aware of that do figure in to what you have shared.
From Adam until Noah there was oral tradition within which were laws. From Noah until Moses there was also the tradition of oral history with laws. Finally the oral traditions were still and are yet observed to a large degree along with the writingss of Torah, the Prophets and the specific Writings.
Whether what you have shared is or is not in this instance really would not effect the teachings of Jesus christ for He did do away with laws that do not contain mercy, faith and justice. This would cover anything added by men. I know those laws of stoning people to death are definitely not merciful, and my faith tells me the sins requiring the execution of this punishment are are not of Jesus, our God and Father, and it is certainly not just to deprive any soul of time to repent.....
I listen to Jesus on these points of law as it is under mercy......most either will not or do not. So what I believe allows for your wonderful contribution.
From Adam until Noah there was oral tradition within which were laws. From Noah until Moses there was also the tradition of oral history with laws. Finally the oral traditions were still and are yet observed to a large degree along with the writingss of Torah, the Prophets and the specific Writings.
Whether what you have shared is or is not in this instance really would not effect the teachings of Jesus christ for He did do away with laws that do not contain mercy, faith and justice. This would cover anything added by men. I know those laws of stoning people to death are definitely not merciful, and my faith tells me the sins requiring the execution of this punishment are are not of Jesus, our God and Father, and it is certainly not just to deprive any soul of time to repent.....
I listen to Jesus on these points of law as it is under mercy......most either will not or do not. So what I believe allows for your wonderful contribution.
First God gave only one commandment, that was not to eat of the tree of knowledge, then came the six noahide laws and finally we received the Ten Commandments that Jesus further expounded. As far as I know, these are truly the only commandments given by God. There are others on here who know more about the writings of the scribes and Pharisees.