Recent content by Mary96

  1. Mary96


    My dear sister, You are valuable. And you are not valuable because of what you get from other people but you are valuable because of who Jesus is! So it’s time to give your heart to Jesus. When you give your heart to Jesus, and when you give your time to the things of the Lord, when you give to...
  2. Mary96


    Should we be the ones to teach our kid given the chance? is it Gods want for use to? Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with...
  3. Mary96

    Is having too much sin?

    Is it a sin to have too much stuff? Like clothes shoes books etc.
  4. Mary96

    a virtuous woman

    Strong: "Who can find a virtuous woman" (31:10) is rendered "woman of strength", literally strength of character. This woman fears God, loves Truth, and hates sin. (Ruth 3:11, Prov 12:4). This type of woman with strong moral character (virtuous) will not make her family ashamed... "She Girdeth...
  5. Mary96


    does anyone know a good site with guided bible studies?
  6. Mary96


    It's Importance Imperfection in marriage inhibits spiritual blessings (I Peter 3:7; Mal 2:11-16). Imperfection in marriage grieves and quenches the Spirit (Ep 4:30; I Th 5:19). Imperfection in marriage gives a place for the devil (Ep 4:27; I Co 7:5; I Pe 5:8). We also hide the truth with poor...
  7. Mary96


    I have someone in my friend circle who decided to write me a letter about how I was anti-women because I made a comment about how women should submit in a marriage she wrote that it "sickens" her and I honestly feel so bad and hurt by this. Should I apologize for something I believe?
  8. Mary96

    Young Women lesson for my church group Help me add take things away etc?

    1. DAUGHTER OF GOD What are some of the things your expect from your earthly father? Listens, Guides, Teaches, Loves, Comforts, Is constant in the relationship What are some of the things he expects from you? Shows appreciation, Confides in and counsels with her father, Is respectful, Is...
  9. Mary96

    Devotions for Preschoolers #2

    Bible Verse: The commandments I give you today must be in your hearts....Talk about them when you are at home. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 Prayer: I want to obey the commandments you give. They help me know how you want me to live. Please guide me obey your word. God tells us to talk about his rules...
  10. Mary96

    Devotions for Preschoolers #1

    Bible Verse: The sea belongs to him, for he made it. Psalm 95:5 Prayer: Dear God you made the great big sea. And thought it's yours you share it with me. Zoe likes the sound of the ocean waves. Can you make a splashing sound? The ocean is so big that you can not see across to the other side...
  11. Mary96

    The Role of the Woman

    The Role of the Woman The Woman Is a Helper God made it a man’s world, and Eve was created to be his helping companion (Gen 2:18-25). Therefore, a woman should not be looking for her glory in life, but rather for her husband’s. She should not be looking to find her own fulfillment apart from...
  12. Mary96

    Foolish Women Bible Study

    Read Proverbs 14:1 1. What do wise women do for their house? Builds her house- She would never harm her own house 2. Give some examples of how wise women do this. Obeys God Cooperates with husband in financial matter Kind Respects headship 3. Describe what foolish women do. Tears her...
  13. Mary96

    Is the bible meant to be taken literally as fact or is it a series of metaphors?

    Many people think the Bible should be literal and others believe that there are metaphorical stories or teachings? Curious what you think? My grandma says the Bible is a collection of different types of books from a broad period of time. Some books are history, some are more philosophical, law...
  14. Mary96

    The one verse of the bible I have trouble accepting

    Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24 Every time I read this verse I always say "we will see about that". I do not have children yet hopefully God will bless me with them one day. But, every time I think...
  15. Mary96

    Convert or lose everything!

    Pictures truly say a 1000 words