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  1. C

    I don't want to lose my friend

    I'm going through a really rough and complicated time with a friend of mine. He means so so much to me.. and I just want things to work out between us. Please pray for us.. I don't want to lose him as a friend. Thank you, God bless
  2. C

    Satire - Christian perspective?

    So I have a lot of questions and hopefully someone out there will answer them: is it spiritually appropriate and acceptable to use a lot of satire and sarcasm as a Christian? Does it go against God's words? Can satire "poison" the spirit and your relationship with Christ? There's this website...
  3. C

    Prayer request: Big decisions & big struggles

    Long time no see... A lot of pretty devastating and confusing stuff has been happening in my life. I've been job hunting since last summer and only recently decided to cancel job hunting because I've been getting tons of rejections. And I generally just don't feel very comfortable with the idea...
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    Dating in my country isn't easy as a Christian

    Well, as you can probably see: I'm from Germany. Christianity used to be a huge and important part of German culture/society, but over time the number of Christians in my country drastically decreases. The majority either belongs to a different religion or none at all. Also, there might be many...
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    Prayer for a depressed and stressed student

    Hello everyone, a new school year has just begun.. it's my last year at college. Our schedule is so crazy and there is just so much pressure. I'm currently job hunting, but I still haven't been accepted by any of those places I've applied for. I'm worried, anxious and depressed. If it wasn't...
  6. C

    Prayer for my family and a friend

    Hello everyone, one of my friends is in a pretty bad mental condition. He had to give up every dream and aspiration when he was younger and now he has a job that really makes him unhappy. He's been waiting on God like crazy but he doesn't seem to find any answers nor solutions. Please pray for...
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    Favorite biblical names

    I'm curious, do you guys have any favorite biblical names? I personally have fallen in love with the name "Elijah". It's translated to "The Lord is my God" or "My God is the God of the bible" and as many of you might know he's a very well-known and bold prophet. I just really like the message...
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    Making the right decision

    Hey guys. I'm feeling very confused and hurt. There's a guy that I really like but I know that I can never have him. I don't know if I should stop talking to him completely or if I should just wait and see what's going to happen. My intuition tells me that we're not meant for each other, but I...
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    I'm panicking

    I have to take a theory test in driving school on Monday.. Even though I still have 2 days left to study, I am starting to panic a bit. I don't feel well-prepared and well.. I'm just scared. I'd highly appreciate it if someone out there prayed for me :) Thanks and God bless you all
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    Prayer for a friend

    Hey everyone.. A friend of mine is slowly losing his faith and a lot of things haven't been going well for him from a career standpoint. It hurts because I want to see and know that he's happy. I'd highly appreciate it if you prayed for him! He has a good heart. Thank you and God bless you all...
  11. C

    Praying that I will make it through this school year

    So tomorrow I'm going to take an exam in Math. My grade in that one single test is going to determine whether or not I will get a degree this year... I hope someone out there will pray for me. Thank you and God bless you all <3
  12. C

    Oppression of women

    What does the bible say about oppressing women? Does anyone know anything about that? I’m asking because I had a huge discussion (I’d almost call it a fight actually) with a classmate about this subject, she’s an Atheist and is convinced that the bible is completely false and that it says...
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    Another Newbie

    don't really know how this works lol Forums are always so confusing to me.. but hey everyone!! I'm Jennifer:o