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  1. M

    How do you have Communion with God?

    Been reading about prayer. The book I read said a good prayer life is one where you are in communion with God. What does this look like? Is it a process? Is it just prayer? A relationship? I'm not looking for a right/wrong answer. just some insight I guess. (The book didn't expand on this just...
  2. M

    Raising very young to love Jesus

    I'm a young mom with a one year old. My daughter enjoys some TV shows and can recognize the characters but I really want to cultivate a love for God and Jesus. We have some Bible Stories and Christian books but does anyone have recommendations? I've been looking to get a plush Jesus doll for...
  3. M

    Raw Food Diet?

    I'm interested in eating raw food a lot of people claim it's what is best for your body. Anyone eat a raw diet? If so what do you eat and how much?
  4. M

    Deliverance and Warfare Theology/Teaching Biblical? Real?

    I have ran across and come in contact with deliverance teaching, about demonic oppression, spiritual house cleaning, Christians having demons and items having demons attached to them. Does anyone have experience with this teaching? Is it true?
  5. M

    Terrified: Husband watches raw Gore

    Today I went on my husband's computer, he has been acting strange recently so I went to check his browsing history. He had been watching videos of father's running over their children and of Isis beheadings! I just found out and I'm terrified. I don't know what to do but I am so scared...
  6. M

    Headcoverings: Biblical or Not?

    Is wearing head covering biblical? Many Christians not just Mennonites and simple folk wear them. I have been struggling with the passage in scripture. I have been told differing opinions. When a woman does wear a covering is it for God or Man or Both?
  7. M

    Married to a unbeliever

    I am new to this, I got on here hoping to talk to other Christians. I'm struggling with my faith and I'm married to an atheist. Ive been reading power of a praying wife, but due to recently moving I haven't found a church yet. Does anyone have any encouragement/ advice? I feel pretty alone at this.