If you take time to study history properly, you will see that so-called anti-semitism was created by the Jew's own repeated deviant behaviour over the centuries, including but not limited to capturing and torturing Gentile boys to death, especially around easter time! (Oops, now i'm gonna get called A_S, you watch - wait for it! ...) These true accounts are preserved in many old records in libraries, and cannot be dismissed as just 'blood libels" - a term created to ridicule those who dare mention it (which now includes me!) - thus it was not for no reason they were expelled from so many countries - go figure.
Ok, will i now get expelled from here because i'm not praising the Jews/Israel with every sentence? - Let's see what happens... NOW, to the 20th-21st century: - Yes there are Christians all over Israel, and yes many do get spat on, though u don't often hear about it in the Jew-controlled presses, and yes, they don't get beheaded IN Israel, because the world = metropolitan community is watching, but they DO get raped, tortured and beheaded across parts of the Middle East (where they are also Christian minorities dispersed around) like in Syria until recently, by so-called ISIS 'rebels' - (and this is where you probably won't want to read further, as it's most unwelcome to many here, and was to me too) - ISIS which is fully supported by ISRAEL (yes and of course by the cia and other subversive elements) - yes you read that correctly! And in fact has sent many of its agents to pose and act as Isis commanders, who at least trained, if not fought secretly with Isis!– Israel has publically stated that “Isis is no threat to Israel” WHY? and yet they were almost on Israel’s doorstep! – Israel openly sent their doctors to treat wounded Isis fighters – WHY? – Use your head and word it out! It was only that GOD sent Russia along to bomb them out of Syria that any Christians survived there! – Go figure again! “And there is more” -
Oops, you might now think – is he an Anti-Semite now? – What a joke – I am anti-LIES, anti-criminal, anti-deception, anti NWO, and anti-stupidity (but PRO many good things as well, like intellectual honesty, open-mindedness and tolerance of differences in others’ beliefs to a broad extent) so if that makes me anti-semitic, (A-S) then so be it, and I’m proud of it! – And it is well past the time when many others inside or outside church walls need to wake up to these things. – see more if you dare to open your mind to new truth here: Home | Why do You Claim to be a Seeker or Proclaimer of the Truth, and Yet … ?! ... and btw, Another modern-Israeli - they're also very good (bad) at organ harvesting! -