Here are some points regarding refuting the notions of Hebrew Roots Movement/Messianic Jews/Armstrongites who might be peddling their false doctrines on this site.
I want to mention that I have no issue with individuals who observe Sabbath, festivals, "clean meat" laws IF they don't claim that observance is a requirement, condition, or necessary fruit of salvation, OR they don't claim that others are in sin for non-observance. The types and shadows of the Mosaic Covenant can be valuable to understand. However, many of these types of individuals are in fact making claims like this. They may phrase their responses to you in a manner that is intended to obfuscate in order to avoid being exposed as being one of those who believes these things, though.
As a former Judaizing Armstrongite, I often responded to others in a manner that used equivocation or obfuscation in order to avoid exposing myself as a judgmental legalist.
Here are some of the points you may want to consider:
1. The Mosaic Covenant is no longer in effect, and those that claim otherwise are false teachers (Acts 1, Galatians 3-4,
Hebrews 7-8, Ephesians 2:13-15, Romans 7:1-7, II Cor 3). It is an invalid operating system, as invalid as using DOS
in the Windows age. The Sabbath was one of the two signs of the Mosaic Covenant, along with physical circumcision
(Exodus 31). Note that the Mosaic Covenant was between God and ISRAEL, not God and mankind in general.
2. The Sabbath itself is a redemptive type; it symbolizes salvation and the "rest of God" which is entered into by placing
one's faith in Jesus (Matt 11:28-30, Hebrews 3-4). It is a "shadow" which represents a Reality, which is Jesus.
See Matthew 11:28-30, Colossians 2:16-17.
3. The day that one observes, if any specific day, along with abstaining or eating particular meats, is a non-essential which
Christian liberty allows one to resolve with his own conscience (Romans 14).
4. Paul didn't mention Sabbath-breaking or eating "unclean meats" in any of the sin lists of his epistles. It is inconceivable
that he would have failed to mention these issues in his "sin lists" to the Gentiles, if they were still a binding
requirement. Many new converts were slaves with Gentile masters, and this question would have came up.
5. The focus of Judaizers is not on justification by faith alone, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. A contrast
is drawn in the book of Galatians which is very pertinent to this. Read the book of Galatians carefully. Note this
6. Those who claim to keep the Mosaic Covenant are not keeping it. They are either liars, ignorant, or self-deceived.
The Mosaic Covenant REQUIRED observance of ALL the commandments related to it. The Mosaic Covenant was
one cohesive unit, and those who claim to observe it cannot pick-and-choose amongst commandments. See the
following verses: Deut 28:58-59, 29:29, 31:12-13, 32:46, 2 Chr 33:8. Note that "all the words of this law" are
commanded observances. How many of them go to Jerusalem 3 times a year to observe the pilgrimage festivals?
This is required according to Exodus 23:14, 34:23, and Deut 16:16. How many of them live in a Sukkoth or booth
for the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, as is required? I could go through a list of other requirements,
including isolating women during their menstrual cycle, that most of them would not observe.
7. The Mosaic Covenant was applicable to a particular group of people (ancient Israelites), in a particular time period
(from Moses to Jesus - see Galatians 3 - Jesus is the "seed"), in a particular land (Palestine), under a particular
system (a theocracy with a Levitical priesthood). Christianity is universal, and those factors no longer are constant.
Some believers, even today, are slaves who cannot rest on the Sabbath. Must they forfeit their salvation due to them
living in "persistent sin" if the Judaizer claim is valid?
8. Unlike Judaizers claim, Christians do not believe in living an immoral lifestyle. They do believe in obeying God's
commandments FOR THEM..not the ancient nation of Israel. Note that this is a common claim with Judaizers..that
those who don't keep the Sabbath don't love Jesus, because Jesus said that those who love him will keep his
commandments..well, believers DO keep the commandments of Jesus TO THEM, not the commandments that were
given to ancient Israel. Believers don't become physically circumcised to prove their love for Jesus, for example.
9. Note how John referred to the festivals as "feasts of the Jews" in his gospel. This language suggests inapplicability
to others (John 2:13, 5:1, 6:4, 7:2).
10. Judaizers are very prideful, contemptuous individuals in general. They may mask it and appear pious, but in reality
they are judgmental and view others with contempt. Former Judaizers know that this is true; they themselves
realize the pride and contempt that permeated their souls. That is why Paul's language in Colossians 2:16-17 is
pertinent. The Colossians were being judged by Judaizers, who would follow after Paul amongst the Gentile churches
like mongrel dogs seeking to lead Gentiles astray with their Judaizer teaching. Read Acts 15, Galatians, Philippians 3,
Colossians 2 with this in mind (the Colossae Judaizers had a proto-Gnostic flavor to their doctrine but they were still
11. Read the New Testament, particularly the epistles, and ask yourself - what is the focus of Paul's message? Was it about
keeping the Mosaic Law, or was it about Jesus and Him crucified? This point, in particular, helped deprogram me from
the effect of the Judaizing Armstrongites. Their doctrines didn't line up with Paul's teachings. Jesus is the focal point.
The entire gospel message focuses on HIM and his cross work.
I was a Sabbath/festival/clean meat law observer for over a decade as an Armstrongite. I am well-aware of the arguments that Judaizers will counter with, in regards to these assertions. Like any heretical group that's been around for a while, they have developed explanations to continue propagating their heresies. If anyone is really disturbed by this topic, and is seeking to understand more on why the Sabbath, festivals, or clean meat laws are no longer applicable, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]. I would be glad to help you one-on-one, but I do not waste my time with endless arguments with Judaizers. I may occasionally debate them, but time is better spent talking to believers who are receptive, and not hardened, well-entrenched individuals.
Most of all, read the book of Galatians and Romans and make both of them your own. Read the books over and over again. Salvation is not earned, merited, or continued by obsolete commandments of the Mosaic Covenant. We are justified (brought into a right relationship with God) by faith ALONE and perfected by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, not observance of obsolete commandments of the Mosaic Covenant. I would also highly suggest the book "Freedom in Christ" by Meno Kalisher. Meno is a Messianic Jew who understand New Covenant concepts...he is very insightful.
Lest anyone claim I am disrespecting the Mosaic Covenant, I am not. It served a particular purpose during a particular time frame. It's purpose was to convict Israel of its sins, by displaying the righteousness of God in a very dim manner, and to point to Jesus in terms of the shadows and types. The well-informed Israelite should have been convicted by his sinfulness, and been ready to accept Jesus and the grace that is offered through Him and his cross-work. Paul and the other apostles would have used these shadows and types to preach the gospel to those who had receptive ears. The Mosaic Covenant should have prepared these Israelites, like a schoolmaster prepares his young students for more mature living (see Galatians 3-4). So, the Mosaic Covenant served a role in spiritual maturity for the Jewish nation, but it wasn't meant to be the enduring standard like Judaizers claim. They are basically like adult babies wearing diapers and sucking bottles, claiming that their diaper wearing and bottle sucking is the mature state of a believer. Or, like a preschooler who claims that his understanding of the world is superior to an adult.
I encourage the Judaizer to move past the bottle-sucking, diaper-wearing state and into the fullness of the New Covenant and the Law of Christ. And, I encourage seekers not to be deceived by those who may seem spiritual but are really bottle-sucking, diaper wearing babies.

I want to mention that I have no issue with individuals who observe Sabbath, festivals, "clean meat" laws IF they don't claim that observance is a requirement, condition, or necessary fruit of salvation, OR they don't claim that others are in sin for non-observance. The types and shadows of the Mosaic Covenant can be valuable to understand. However, many of these types of individuals are in fact making claims like this. They may phrase their responses to you in a manner that is intended to obfuscate in order to avoid being exposed as being one of those who believes these things, though.
As a former Judaizing Armstrongite, I often responded to others in a manner that used equivocation or obfuscation in order to avoid exposing myself as a judgmental legalist.
Here are some of the points you may want to consider:
1. The Mosaic Covenant is no longer in effect, and those that claim otherwise are false teachers (Acts 1, Galatians 3-4,
Hebrews 7-8, Ephesians 2:13-15, Romans 7:1-7, II Cor 3). It is an invalid operating system, as invalid as using DOS
in the Windows age. The Sabbath was one of the two signs of the Mosaic Covenant, along with physical circumcision
(Exodus 31). Note that the Mosaic Covenant was between God and ISRAEL, not God and mankind in general.
2. The Sabbath itself is a redemptive type; it symbolizes salvation and the "rest of God" which is entered into by placing
one's faith in Jesus (Matt 11:28-30, Hebrews 3-4). It is a "shadow" which represents a Reality, which is Jesus.
See Matthew 11:28-30, Colossians 2:16-17.
3. The day that one observes, if any specific day, along with abstaining or eating particular meats, is a non-essential which
Christian liberty allows one to resolve with his own conscience (Romans 14).
4. Paul didn't mention Sabbath-breaking or eating "unclean meats" in any of the sin lists of his epistles. It is inconceivable
that he would have failed to mention these issues in his "sin lists" to the Gentiles, if they were still a binding
requirement. Many new converts were slaves with Gentile masters, and this question would have came up.
5. The focus of Judaizers is not on justification by faith alone, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. A contrast
is drawn in the book of Galatians which is very pertinent to this. Read the book of Galatians carefully. Note this
6. Those who claim to keep the Mosaic Covenant are not keeping it. They are either liars, ignorant, or self-deceived.
The Mosaic Covenant REQUIRED observance of ALL the commandments related to it. The Mosaic Covenant was
one cohesive unit, and those who claim to observe it cannot pick-and-choose amongst commandments. See the
following verses: Deut 28:58-59, 29:29, 31:12-13, 32:46, 2 Chr 33:8. Note that "all the words of this law" are
commanded observances. How many of them go to Jerusalem 3 times a year to observe the pilgrimage festivals?
This is required according to Exodus 23:14, 34:23, and Deut 16:16. How many of them live in a Sukkoth or booth
for the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, as is required? I could go through a list of other requirements,
including isolating women during their menstrual cycle, that most of them would not observe.
7. The Mosaic Covenant was applicable to a particular group of people (ancient Israelites), in a particular time period
(from Moses to Jesus - see Galatians 3 - Jesus is the "seed"), in a particular land (Palestine), under a particular
system (a theocracy with a Levitical priesthood). Christianity is universal, and those factors no longer are constant.
Some believers, even today, are slaves who cannot rest on the Sabbath. Must they forfeit their salvation due to them
living in "persistent sin" if the Judaizer claim is valid?
8. Unlike Judaizers claim, Christians do not believe in living an immoral lifestyle. They do believe in obeying God's
commandments FOR THEM..not the ancient nation of Israel. Note that this is a common claim with Judaizers..that
those who don't keep the Sabbath don't love Jesus, because Jesus said that those who love him will keep his
commandments..well, believers DO keep the commandments of Jesus TO THEM, not the commandments that were
given to ancient Israel. Believers don't become physically circumcised to prove their love for Jesus, for example.
9. Note how John referred to the festivals as "feasts of the Jews" in his gospel. This language suggests inapplicability
to others (John 2:13, 5:1, 6:4, 7:2).
10. Judaizers are very prideful, contemptuous individuals in general. They may mask it and appear pious, but in reality
they are judgmental and view others with contempt. Former Judaizers know that this is true; they themselves
realize the pride and contempt that permeated their souls. That is why Paul's language in Colossians 2:16-17 is
pertinent. The Colossians were being judged by Judaizers, who would follow after Paul amongst the Gentile churches
like mongrel dogs seeking to lead Gentiles astray with their Judaizer teaching. Read Acts 15, Galatians, Philippians 3,
Colossians 2 with this in mind (the Colossae Judaizers had a proto-Gnostic flavor to their doctrine but they were still
11. Read the New Testament, particularly the epistles, and ask yourself - what is the focus of Paul's message? Was it about
keeping the Mosaic Law, or was it about Jesus and Him crucified? This point, in particular, helped deprogram me from
the effect of the Judaizing Armstrongites. Their doctrines didn't line up with Paul's teachings. Jesus is the focal point.
The entire gospel message focuses on HIM and his cross work.
I was a Sabbath/festival/clean meat law observer for over a decade as an Armstrongite. I am well-aware of the arguments that Judaizers will counter with, in regards to these assertions. Like any heretical group that's been around for a while, they have developed explanations to continue propagating their heresies. If anyone is really disturbed by this topic, and is seeking to understand more on why the Sabbath, festivals, or clean meat laws are no longer applicable, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]. I would be glad to help you one-on-one, but I do not waste my time with endless arguments with Judaizers. I may occasionally debate them, but time is better spent talking to believers who are receptive, and not hardened, well-entrenched individuals.
Most of all, read the book of Galatians and Romans and make both of them your own. Read the books over and over again. Salvation is not earned, merited, or continued by obsolete commandments of the Mosaic Covenant. We are justified (brought into a right relationship with God) by faith ALONE and perfected by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, not observance of obsolete commandments of the Mosaic Covenant. I would also highly suggest the book "Freedom in Christ" by Meno Kalisher. Meno is a Messianic Jew who understand New Covenant concepts...he is very insightful.
Lest anyone claim I am disrespecting the Mosaic Covenant, I am not. It served a particular purpose during a particular time frame. It's purpose was to convict Israel of its sins, by displaying the righteousness of God in a very dim manner, and to point to Jesus in terms of the shadows and types. The well-informed Israelite should have been convicted by his sinfulness, and been ready to accept Jesus and the grace that is offered through Him and his cross-work. Paul and the other apostles would have used these shadows and types to preach the gospel to those who had receptive ears. The Mosaic Covenant should have prepared these Israelites, like a schoolmaster prepares his young students for more mature living (see Galatians 3-4). So, the Mosaic Covenant served a role in spiritual maturity for the Jewish nation, but it wasn't meant to be the enduring standard like Judaizers claim. They are basically like adult babies wearing diapers and sucking bottles, claiming that their diaper wearing and bottle sucking is the mature state of a believer. Or, like a preschooler who claims that his understanding of the world is superior to an adult.
I encourage the Judaizer to move past the bottle-sucking, diaper-wearing state and into the fullness of the New Covenant and the Law of Christ. And, I encourage seekers not to be deceived by those who may seem spiritual but are really bottle-sucking, diaper wearing babies.