The continually surrendered life is the easiest way to define exactly what NT saving Faith is.
The application of NT saving Faith is communicated to us by the use of the Greek word pisteuo, 248 times in the NT.
Pisteuo is defined in the Vines Greek dictionary as, " A personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender. Producing a full acknowledgement of God's revelation of truth."
The Strong's Greek dictionary gives us an important disclaimer, it states," pisteuo means NOT just to believe!" The words the English language should have had for the translators are faithe, faither, and faithing.
The problem is the English language doesn't have a corresponding verb to the noun Pistis, where we get our English word Faith, like the Greek does. So the translators were forced to choose a different word to translate possibly the most important word in the Holy Scriptures. They chose the words believe, believer, and believing, which are a part of NT saving Faith, but taken on their own is error.
True NT saving Faith, pisteuo, is a verb, "an act based upon a Belief, sustained by confidence." We fulfill hundreds of acts of pisteuo or faithing every day all day. Each act of pisteuo or faithing is a specific act, based upon a specific belief, sustained by a specific kind of confidence.
NT saving Faith or pisteuo is specifically surrendering our life and will to Him. Based upon the specific belief that God will accept, maintain, sustain, transform the surrendered life. Sustained by a specific kind of confidence, in making the many daily decisions that support the fact our lives are not ours anymore but His now.
The question was asked, " what does the surrendered life look like in the Temporal.?"
To keep the surrender genuine, I can only show you what the beginning looks like, or how to start it.
God, I offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wills. Relieve me from the bondage of self, that victory over this may bear witness to those I would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May I do thy will always. Amen
My creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, the good and the bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as í go out from here to do thy bidding. Amen.
This is what the surrendered life begins like, is maintained like, and is completed like, putting everything in His hands continually.
As a tool to maintain the covenant, the contract, the personal relationship with God, the surrendered life or offering of ourselves to Him must be done a new every day. All day sometimes if needed.
When we see our surrendered life starts to look like what's being recited in those prayers, we know He is doing His part!
The application of NT saving Faith is communicated to us by the use of the Greek word pisteuo, 248 times in the NT.
Pisteuo is defined in the Vines Greek dictionary as, " A personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender. Producing a full acknowledgement of God's revelation of truth."
The Strong's Greek dictionary gives us an important disclaimer, it states," pisteuo means NOT just to believe!" The words the English language should have had for the translators are faithe, faither, and faithing.
The problem is the English language doesn't have a corresponding verb to the noun Pistis, where we get our English word Faith, like the Greek does. So the translators were forced to choose a different word to translate possibly the most important word in the Holy Scriptures. They chose the words believe, believer, and believing, which are a part of NT saving Faith, but taken on their own is error.
True NT saving Faith, pisteuo, is a verb, "an act based upon a Belief, sustained by confidence." We fulfill hundreds of acts of pisteuo or faithing every day all day. Each act of pisteuo or faithing is a specific act, based upon a specific belief, sustained by a specific kind of confidence.
NT saving Faith or pisteuo is specifically surrendering our life and will to Him. Based upon the specific belief that God will accept, maintain, sustain, transform the surrendered life. Sustained by a specific kind of confidence, in making the many daily decisions that support the fact our lives are not ours anymore but His now.
The question was asked, " what does the surrendered life look like in the Temporal.?"
To keep the surrender genuine, I can only show you what the beginning looks like, or how to start it.
God, I offer myself to thee, to have with me and to build with me as thou wills. Relieve me from the bondage of self, that victory over this may bear witness to those I would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May I do thy will always. Amen
My creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, the good and the bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as í go out from here to do thy bidding. Amen.
This is what the surrendered life begins like, is maintained like, and is completed like, putting everything in His hands continually.
As a tool to maintain the covenant, the contract, the personal relationship with God, the surrendered life or offering of ourselves to Him must be done a new every day. All day sometimes if needed.
When we see our surrendered life starts to look like what's being recited in those prayers, we know He is doing His part!
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