Could you go a little further in defining "obedience" and maybe compare and contrast your enhanced definition with a definition of "legalism". The speed at which this thread is moving indicates a fair amount of interest in the subject. I have even detected a little emotion in the response of several of my friends on this site.
Pursuing holiness and trying to live in accordance with God's Word is a response to God's love and grace, not legalism. Grace is a gift from God that is accessed by faith (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 5:2). When one has BIBLICAL faith, they WANT to live a life that honors God and is consistent with His teachings. 1 Peter 1:15–16 exhorts us to be holy.
Seeking holiness is about loving God and being thankful, not about earning salvation.
A saving faith will not be dead, as it will be a faith that works/obeys (Jms. 2:14-26). Our obedience demonstrate our LOVE and DEVOTION to God, as we desire to live according to His word (Jn. 8:31, 14:15, 23-24). Obedience does not earn or negate grace. Following God's word is a result of our relationship with Him, not earning salvation. God’s grace instructs us to live for Him (Titus 2:11-12; Rom. 6:1) and when we obey God, He is working in us, (Phil. 2:12-13), as those are HIS words that are in OUR lives working, NOT OURS. God’s grace is the SOURCE of our spiritual growth and obedience. Our relationship with God begins and is sustained by HIS grace through OUR FAITH (Eph. 2:8; 1 Peter 1:5). It is HIS grace that INSTRUCTS us to align OUR will with HIS will. This is how we grow in the grace of our Lord and Savior (2 Peter 3:18, 1:5-11), and continue in it (Acts 13:43).
God’s saving grace calls us to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and restoration (Jms. 5:19-20). By following God's commands, we become more Christ-like and strengthen our bond with Him (2 Peter 1:5-8). Our obedience stems from a heart of love and gratitude. It's a reflection of our faith and trust in Him, and His grace enables us to live a life that honors Him.
I’m not advocating obedience is the means and the only means of salvation without the need of grace, mercy, faith and love. When lost sinners OBEYED from the HEART that form of doctrine which was delivered to them (Rom. 6:17)..they expressed their FAITH and DESIRE to be saved by God’s grace..humbly throwing themselves on His mercy. The doctrine that was delivered unto them was not something they earned or could boast about. It is OF God. The gospel is OF God (2 Thess. 2:14; Rom. 1:16). Thus, any form of obedience from a heart of faith that is motivated, driven, and fueled by the gospel call of salvation (Acts 2:39) CANNOT possibly be one as earning or boasting..and CANNOT be considered relying or trusting in self. The ONLY boasting one can do is give glory TO GOD (1 Cor. 1:13; 2 Cor. 10:17) for what all He did in providing the means of salvation. NOT SELF. The ONLY boasting/rejoicing one can do once they get saved is with the testimony of their conscience with GODLY SINCERITY…by the GRACE OF GOD (2 Cor. 1:12). I’m not advocating a kind or type of obedience that is boastful in ourselves (Titus 3:5) or our own righteousness (Rom. 10:3), or one that is legalistic or Phariseeish. I’m not advocating a follow the rule obedience with zero faith, zero love and not depending on grace and mercy when we fall short. I’m advocating one that is of faith in SUBMITTING to the righteousness of God (Rom. 10:3) through/by the power/authority OF CHRIST Jesus our Lord (Mt. 28:18), who is the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY him (Heb. 5:9).
Obedience is godly walk or conduct of surrendering to God. Submitting to Jesus in FAITH, living for HIM out of gratefulness due to being saved from sin by grace…is NOT achieving righteousness by our OWN WORKS. It is JESUS who make us righteous through the faith (Phil. 3:9).
Legalism is the idea that is often motivated by a desire to EARN favor with God or to ACHIEVE righteousness through PERSONAL EFFORT—I’d go so far as to say they are desiring to do this WITHOUT God’s grace in their lives. It’s all with works and works ONLY.