Ahahaha thats gold, at it worked...
Most women appeal to emotion and most men appeal to facts.
I've only known a hand full of people that have had abortion, with their partners that two hands full of people and they all regret it.
Abortions promote and reward promiscuity and irresponsibility... Sex and marriage used to be sacred...
Now with dating apps i don't even know what it has become
It can become very emotional this debate cos it the kids, vax debate has the same intensity...
But abortion i usually try to appeal to emotion cos for me just the sight of any dead human is unpleasant...
Seeing a dismembered baby in a bowl.... Geez... U must be heartless not to be moved by it
ye i know... "Its just a bunch of miscellaneous cells and tissue" this guys says...
I remember in science, mid 90s, they taught us that the human cell was a blob with 2 or 3 other blobs inside it.
ps. I just saw u gave 2 angry faces and went and looked why... They were sad faces... ok