I have gotten myself into several heated arguments and been banned from several Chatrooms because of what I believe is stupidity when it comes to Christian attitudes about animals. It all started when a lady expressed her thoughts "If my poodle is not allowed into heaven, I do not want to be there either!" My response was "What if your poodle ended up in hell, would you follow?" Needless to say, I was shunned and mocked and laughed at. Was the precious blood of JESUS shed for our pet gerbils? NO! NO! NO! Animals do not have the very breath of GOD in them. They do not have souls. Imagine having to have a judgement day for animals..which pet, which moose, which mouse or alligator deserves heaven and which deserves hell. What a joke! JESUS told us that HE is going to prepare for us a place and that we will join HIM. Nowhere at no time did JESUS say, 'Oh, by the way, I am also going to build a doghouse in the backyard of your mansion."
Man has dominion over all the animals. Man does not determine if those animals, insects, or living organisms share the present heaven with GOD's saints. We won't find chicken coops, stables, mangers, or barns in heaven. There will be joyous praising, singing etc. to the Lamb of GOD heard there, but NO bellowing, bleeting, screeching, mooing, clucking or yelping. As much as we would want our pet turtles, butterfies, pot bellied pigs to be around us in eternity..we have to face the fact that they will not be there. Neither will our childhood items like teddybears, Mattel Toys, or Ninja Turtles.
I laugh when I think that we can become so attached to our pets and materialistic items that we have them blessed on earth in hopes for eternal security with them. My hope is built on nothing less than JESUS blood and righteousness. I will not be riding around in heaven with my labrador retriever in my classic muscle car.