To be as clear as possible, not "more than one" RAPTURE" (or, "
OUR episynagoges UNTO HIM"); but "more than one" gathering of saints, yes: the one spoken of in
Matt24:29-31 / Isaiah 27:9,12-13 [/Rom11:27/Dan9:24] (at the "GREAT" trumpet)
is a completely DISTINCT gathering from that of our "Rapture [IN THE AIR]" (
See Isa27:9,12-13/Mt24:29-31...
...note the distinction in
its manner of their gathering ["ONE BY ONE"], and in whom it pertains, in its timing, in its destination-location, and in who exactly
does the gathering of them, etc)
Here's how I understand the phrase in Rev20:5 "This is
the resurrection THE FIRST [ADJ]"... This is not the same as it saying "this is the FIRST TIME saints will have been resurrected":
"first [adjective; G4413]" can mean "first IN TIME," but it can also mean "first IN QUALITY"... and since 1Cor15:23 says "[re: resurrection] But EACH
in his OWN ORDER [RANK]" this means there doesn't remain only ONE
at one singular point in time;
This explains also why when the TWO WITNESSES are killed and then resurrected (and ascend up into heaven) at the "6th Trumpet / 2nd Woe" point in time,
at a point in time entirely distinct from when all other saints are resurrected, and yet they also
are not subject to the later GWTj (
second death);
--John 5:29 CONTRASTS "resurrection
OF LIFE" and "resurrection
OF DAMNATION / judgment" (the two distinct "qualities" of "resurrection"); "the dead / unsaved" of all times will be resurrected at the time of the GWTj (including those spoken of in Rev20:5a "the rest of the dead") and suffer "the second death"; but v.5's "THIS" ("this one here"--the ones being resurrected in 20:
4b... the LAST of the martyrs to have died b/f Christ's return to the earth in Rev19) is the "resurrection
OF LIFE" (the first "quality" of resurrection; Just like this same Greek word for "FIRST" Paul used of himself to say he was the "chief [G4413 - ADJ]" of sinners, and
that didn't mean he was "chronologically the FIRST in TIME" as one)
--Paul (when also speaking of the resurrection of the members of "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" who will have DIED prior to the point-in-time being referenced) in 1Cor15:52-54 said, "Behold I SHEW you a MYSTERY"... he's not getting ready to tell them what ALL OT SAINTS
already WELL-KNEW (ex. what Job knew in Job19:25-27; what Daniel knew in Dan12:13; what Martha knew in Jn11:24)...
no, but something heretofore UNKNOWN, but which Paul was given to DISCLOSE (and pertaining to/for/about "the Church which is His body"... the "WE/WE" of 1Cor15:51)
--[much more...]
And yet, we see the TWO WITNESSES resurrected at the "6th Trumpet / 2nd Woe" time-slot, i.e. at a DISTINCT point in the chronology from that of when all other saints will be resurrected... but we don't designate THEM to "be cast into the lake of fire" ("the second death") at the GWTj point in time. (This is because "the resurrection THE FIRST" is "first IN QUALITY" [that "OF LIFE"--THAT "quality"], not "first IN TIME" or the first time saints will have been resurrected... This isn't what Rev20:5 is conveying. ["But EACH in his own ORDER [/RANK]" means there doesn't remain ONLY ONE at ONE SINGULAR point in time.

aled to him
Hope that helps you see a little bit of my perspective (as a "pre-tribber"). There is much more I could put, but I wanted to try to keep the post relatively short. = )