Hi Calibob, I fully understand that the doctrine that I stand in defense of comes across to most as very confusing, but my belief, in my 85 years of living, that it is as near to the doctrine that Jesus taught than any other doctrine of men that I have heard. God says that he has written it to be a mystery to most, why, I do not know. I do not consult or read other men's interpretation of the scriptures, except those on this forum, and my guide in studying is the scriptures by themselves. I believe scripture proves scripture if they all harmonize. I took a peak at your profile and noticed you live in Lawton, Oklahoma. I am a retired U S Postal letter carrier and live in Comanche, Oklahoma.
Of course they asked for donations on the air... Between the end time profits, traveling tent show type preachers and traditional OSAS vs salvation is temporary & requires righteousness and/or works type messages. I stopped listening and reading the Bible only. If says Calvin said this, Luther said that, and Westly said the other thing. J. Vernon Magee fans and Jimmy Swaggart fans. I tend to say "Who cares?" they didn't write the Bible. That ticks almost everybody off. We are supposed to follow the Lord and read Scriptures not what other people say about them. So I Fully understand your position about studying scriptures without other peoples opinions. I'll send you a PM soon and we can discuss things in private.
BTW. I live on Gore Across the street from the country club.
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