All those preaching against the Holy law of God, using even the words of scripture, are preaching against God himself.
It is using scripture, even, to condemn scripture. "Curse of the law" "The law kills" And reading this, not to tell Christ gives salvation from sin, but it is to say that even with the forgiveness of Christ, it is the law itself that kills. Even using 2 Cor. 3 speaking against people trying to obey the law by the letter of the law to condemn all law! Using scriptures given us to teach us to rely only on Christ and grace for salvation, not to rely on our obedience for that. Using scriptures that teach us to listen to the Lord in spirit and truth, not only legalistically to say that God wants us to not listen to the law. There are even posts bragging about how well they keep the law to say it is against keeping the law because they don't read it in scripture. Posters are even using the love that is the essence of all law to condemn the law explaining love.
You cannot separate God and the law, the law is part of God. These posts that use any means they can come up with to destroy the law are posts against the Lord.
It is using scripture, even, to condemn scripture. "Curse of the law" "The law kills" And reading this, not to tell Christ gives salvation from sin, but it is to say that even with the forgiveness of Christ, it is the law itself that kills. Even using 2 Cor. 3 speaking against people trying to obey the law by the letter of the law to condemn all law! Using scriptures given us to teach us to rely only on Christ and grace for salvation, not to rely on our obedience for that. Using scriptures that teach us to listen to the Lord in spirit and truth, not only legalistically to say that God wants us to not listen to the law. There are even posts bragging about how well they keep the law to say it is against keeping the law because they don't read it in scripture. Posters are even using the love that is the essence of all law to condemn the law explaining love.
You cannot separate God and the law, the law is part of God. These posts that use any means they can come up with to destroy the law are posts against the Lord.
I feel your pain, really I do. It's a crying shame, but maybe we can just ignore those that keep it up. If they want a fight, let them fight with themselves. They will never change, and then we can carry on and edify each other by defining the spiritual truth of the law and the feasts and all. Not by the canal mind but by the understanding of the Holy Spirit given to us through Jesus Christ. That would be so nice for a change. I've never seen that to any extent in this Bible study forum concerning this law and grace subject. Whenever I try to start a thread that has substance, it doesn't take long until someone starts arguing about law and grace even if it has nothing to do with it. If there is no argument, the thread usually dies or gets derailed.
God Bless you sis